Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 98 20.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
271 0 0 0 $Text =~ /"(.+?)"\s*\.?/ and word_count($1) >= 2
334 1 0 0 word_count($Chunks[0]) > 4 and no_initials($Chunks[0])
376 1 0 0 @abbr = $aFull =~ /\w\w\./g and @abbr >= 2
381 0 0 0 is_surname($Chunks[0]) and has_initials($Chunks[1])
0 0 0 is_surname($Chunks[0]) and has_initials($Chunks[1]) and $Chunks[2] =~ /^\s*Jr\.?\s*$/i
394 0 0 1 is_surname($Chunks[0]) and has_initials($Chunks[1])
410 0 0 0 only_initials($Chunks[0]) and is_surname($Chunks[1])
426 0 0 0 no_initials($Chunks[0]) and no_initials($Chunks[1])
777 0 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'issue'}
0 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'issue'} and $$cite{'spage'}
811 0 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'spage'}
917 0 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'spage'}
965 1 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'issue'}
1 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'issue'} and $$cite{'spage'}
0 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'issue'} and $$cite{'spage'} and $$cite{'year'}
1141 1 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'spage'}
1 0 0 $$cite{'volume'} and $$cite{'spage'} and $$cite{'year'}
1455 0 1 0 $i > 0 and $Parts[$i - 1] =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]* )*and\s+[A-Z]$/
1458 1 0 0 $i > 1 and $Parts[$i - 2] =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]* )*and\s+[A-Z]$/
1464 0 1 0 $i > 0 and $Parts[$i] =~ /^[A-Z]$/
1466 0 0 0 $Parts[$i - 1] =~ /^\S+\s+\S+(\s+\S+){0,2}$/ and $Parts[$i - 1] =~ /^(and )?[A-Z].+?[A-Z]$/
1484 1 0 0 scalar @Words <= 2 and not $Parts[$i - 1] =~ /^\d/
1486 1 0 0 scalar @Words <= 4 and $Parts[$i - 1] =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]*\s+){0,3}[A-Z][a-z]*$/
1545 2 0 0 @Abbr = $Text =~ /\S\S+?\./g and scalar @Abbr > 1
1551 2 0 0 has_surname($Text) and has_initials($Text)
2 0 0 has_surname($Text) and has_initials($Text) and $wCount >= 1
0 0 0 has_surname($Text) and has_initials($Text) and $wCount >= 1 and $wCount < 5
1560 2 0 0 $wCount >= 2 and $wCount <= 3
2 0 0 $wCount >= 2 and $wCount <= 3 and no_initials($Text)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
125 1 0 shift() || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
208 0 1 0 $cite->find_vol_no_pg_year or $cite->find_vol_pg_year
220 0 0 0 $cite->find_vol_no or $cite->find_vol_supl
328 0 0 1 $aText eq '' or $aText =~ /^\W+$/