Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 82 57.3

line true false branch
51 8 9 if (exists $args{'skip'})
52 2 5 unless defined $args{'skip'} and not $args{'skip'} =~ /\D/ and int $args{'skip'} == $args{'skip'}
60 0 14 if (exists $args{'minimum'})
61 0 0 unless defined $args{'minimum'} and not $args{'minimum'} =~ /\D/ and int $args{'minimum'} == $args{'minimum'}
65 0 0 unless defined $args{'minimum'} and $args{'minimum'} >= $$self[4]
84 0 14 if ($confidence_is_valid and not $error_is_valid or not $confidence_is_valid and $error_is_valid) { }
0 28 elsif ($confidence_is_valid and $error_is_valid) { }
99 0 0 unless eval 'require Statistics::PointEstimation'
103 1 13 if (%args)
118 55 10 if (exists $$self[6]{$tag}) { }
119 26 29 if ($$self[6]{$tag} > 1) { }
128 4 6 if ($$self[6]{$tag} > 1) { }
143 1 66 unless exists $$self[6]{$tag}
146 30 36 if $$self[6]{$tag} > 0
149 28 8 exists $$self[1]{$tag} ? :
151 1 35 unless defined $before
154 0 35 if (defined $$self[7] and not defined $$self[9]{$tag})
162 27 8 if ($i > 0) { }
168 0 35 if defined $$self[9]{$tag}
179 0 0 unless defined $$self[7]
183 0 0 if not defined $$self[9]{$tag} or $$self[9]{$tag}->count < $$self[5]
204 0 9 unless (exists $$self[1]{$tag})
217 2 2 if (wantarray) { }
245 0 9 unless (exists $$self[1]{$tag})
255 4 5 if ($n == 1) { }
266 0 9 if (defined $$self[9]{$tag})
269 0 0 if defined $$self[9]{$tag}->delta
284 0 3 unless (exists $$self[1]{$tag})
301 1 1 wantarray ? :
310 8 2 if ($tag) { }
311 6 2 if (exists $$self[1]{$tag}) { }
320 8 2 wantarray ? :
336 0 14 if ($sec >= 1000) { }
0 14 elsif ($sec >= 1) { }
0 14 elsif ($sec >= 0.001) { }
14 0 elsif ($sec >= 1e-06) { }
339 0 0 $sec == int $sec ? :
342 0 0 $ms == int $ms ? :
359 0 0 unless $num =~ /\d/
360 0 0 if $num < 1000
368 0 0 $fp ? :