Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 164 192 85.4

line true false branch
412 0 1 if $^O =~ /android/
417 1 0 if $arch
421 0 1 $Benchmark::DKbench::Config{'usethreads'} ? :
0 1 $Benchmark::DKbench::Config{'usemultiplicity'} ? :
426 1 0 if $physical and $physical > 1
427 1 0 if $cores
428 0 1 if $cores and $cores != $ncpu
429 1 0 if @extra
437 1 5 if $opt->{'datapath'}
440 4 2 $opt->{'time'} ? :
446 2 4 unless $opt->{'no_mce'}
449 4 4 if $opt->{'iter'} > 1
453 2 3 if $opt->{'iter'} > 1
462 1 1 $opt->{'time'} ? :
463 1 1 $opt->{'time'} ? :
469 40 2 unless $stats1->{$bench}{'times'} and $stats2->{$bench}{'times'}
473 2 0 if $res2[2]
474 2 0 if $res2[2]
481 0 2 if $cnt > 1
482 0 2 if $opt->{'scale'} and $opt->{'scale'} > 1
483 0 2 if $opt->{'iter'} and $opt->{'iter'} > 1
485 2 0 if $stats2->{'threads'} > 1
487 1 1 if $opt->{'time'}
501 5 3 $opt->{'time'} ? :
503 3 5 unless $opt->{'time'}
507 2 166 if $opt->{'skip_bio'} and $bench =~ /Monomers/
508 2 164 if $opt->{'skip_prove'} and $bench =~ /prove/
509 6 158 if not $opt->{'bio_codons'} and $bench =~ /Codons/
510 6 152 if not $opt->{'time_piece'} and $bench =~ /Time::Piece/
511 2 36 if $opt->{'ver'} and $benchmarks->{$bench}[5] and $opt->{'ver'} < $benchmarks->{$bench}[5]
512 6 144 if $opt->{'exclude'} and $bench =~ /$opt->{'exclude'}/
513 121 23 if $opt->{'include'} and not $bench =~ /$opt->{'include'}/
514 0 23 if ($bench =~ /Bio/)
525 21 2 $opt->{'time'} ? :
526 13 10 if $res ne "Pass"
528 2 21 unless $opt->{'time'}
530 0 23 if $opt->{'sleep'}
532 1 7 unless $i
534 5 2 $opt->{'time'} ? :
542 3 20 unless $opt->{'quick'}
543 22 1 if $opt->{'no_mce'}
557 2 0 if $_->[1] ne "Pass"
570 10 12 $out eq $benchmark->[0] ? :
706 50000 450000 if $_ % 10 == 1
744 0 40 unless length $bytes > length $str
746 26 14 rand 1 > 0.25 ? :
749 0 40 unless $cp eq $str
762 1 1 unless open my $fh, "<:raw", catfile($datadir, "M31.bmp")
767 0 4 unless my $img = "Imager"->new("data", $data, "type", "bmp")
804 0 600 unless compare_obj($obj, $obj2)
838 0 250 if $data_in eq $data_out . $extra
847 0 250 if $data_in eq $data_out . $extra
881 130 1170 if $_ % 10 == 1
885 130 1170 if $_ % 10 == 1
887 130 1170 if $_ % 10 == 1
891 130 1170 if $_ % 10 == 1
896 130 1170 if $_ % 10 == 1
936 1 1 if ($iter < 1) { }
942 2 0 if ($result =~ /Result: (\w*)/) { }
1022 7 21 if $sz > 1000
1041 0 75000 if $t->year < 1970
1053 1 1 $opt->{'time'} ? :
1054 1 1 $opt->{'time'} ? :
1056 1 1 if $opt->{'stdev'}
1057 1 1 unless $opt->{'time'}
1060 40 2 unless $stats->{$bench}{$display}
1065 1 1 unless $opt->{'time'}
1078 2 2 if ($opt->{'stdev'} and $avg)
1088 1 25 unless @$arr
1094 1 9 unless @$arr
1110 30 13 if ($single) { }
1111 28 2 unless $single * ($_ - $avg) > 2 * $stdev
1113 11 2 unless abs $avg - $_ > 2 * $stdev
1129 0 12 unless open my $fh, "<:$enc", catfile($datadir, "wiki$_.html")
1138 12 5252 $abc ? :
1146 40695 5608 if $chr > 127
1147 21337 24966 if $chr > 591
1163 8377 8100 if ($p > 0.5) { }
4922 3178 elsif ($p > 0.2) { }
1168 1532 1646 $p > 0.1 ? :
1192 1 28700 if $t1 ne $t2
1193 25204 3496 unless $t1
1194 1459 2037 $t1 eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1200 1 1460 if $sz != scalar @$arr2
1202 1 8155 unless compare_obj($arr1->[$_], $arr2->[$_])
1209 1 2038 if scalar keys %$h1 != scalar keys %$h2
1211 1 19943 unless compare_obj($h1->{$_}, $h2->{$_})
1221 434 413 rand 1 < 0.5 ? :
7356 847 rand 1 < 0.9 ? :
1232 1034 1031 rand 1 < 0.5 ? :
17943 2065 rand 1 < 0.9 ? :
1250 796 1940 if ($s[$i])
1267 500 1 if ($args{'token'} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=*\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)=*\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)=*(?:\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=*\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=*)?$/)
1270 0 500 if (length $5) { }
1281 1 500 if $args{'decode_header'}
1286 45 0 $mono_clock ? :