Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 112 47.3

line true false branch
65 6 0 unless (exists $args{'username'} and exists $args{'password'})
71 0 6 if (defined $bus_id) { }
74 0 0 unless $config
79 6 0 if (scalar keys %$config == 1) { }
87 0 0 unless $default
122 25 6 if ($singleton)
140 0 5 unless my $fq_meth = $args{'method'}
142 0 5 if defined $args{'address'}
144 0 5 unless $fq_meth =~ /^ ( [\w-]+ (?:\.[\w-]+)* ) \. ( [\w-]+ ) (?: \@ ( [\w-]+ ) (\.[\w-]+)* )? $/x
160 5 0 unless defined $remote_bus
162 0 5 if (defined $remote_bus) { }
168 0 0 if defined $addr and $addr =~ s/^\.//
176 0 5 if defined $self->{'_CLIENT'}{'auth_data'}
177 0 5 if defined $self->{'_CLIENT'}{'caller_id'}
179 0 5 if (exists $args{'buffer_id'})
197 0 0 unless $fq_meth =~ /^ ( [\w-]+ (?: \.[\w-]+ )* ) \. ( [\w-]+ | \* ) $/x
204 0 0 unless (ref $callback eq 'CODE')
208 0 0 if exists $$callbacks{"msg.$fq_meth"}
226 0 0 unless (ref $request eq 'HASH' and $request->{'jsonrpc'} eq '2.0')
236 0 0 unless (defined $method and $method =~ /^([\.\w-]+)\.([\w-]+)$/)
244 0 0 unless ($cb)
253 0 0 unless $success
266 0 0 unless @methods
270 0 0 unless $fq_meth =~ /^ ( [\w-]+ (?: \.[\w-]+ )* ) \. ( [\w-]+ | \* ) $/x
275 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'_CLIENT'}{'callbacks'}{"msg.$fq_meth"})
290 0 0 unless $success
308 0 51 if $AE_WAITING
321 5 1 if (not exists $resp->{'result'} and $req->{'_raise_error'})
352 0 68 unless my $fq_meth = $args{'method'}
354 0 68 if defined $args{'address'}
356 1 67 unless $fq_meth =~ /^ ( [\w-]+ (?:\.[\w-]+)* ) \. ( [\w-]+ ) (?: \@ ( [\w-]+ ) (\.[\w-]+)* )? $/x
366 67 0 unless defined $remote_bus
371 0 67 if (defined $remote_bus) { }
377 0 0 if defined $addr and $addr =~ s/^\.//
385 18 49 if defined $client->{'auth_data'}
386 0 67 if defined $client->{'caller_id'}
404 64 3 unless ($FIRE_FORGET)
412 0 67 if (exists $args{'buffer_id'})
423 3 64 if ($FIRE_FORGET) { }
51 13 elsif ($SYNCHRONOUS) { }
429 1 50 defined $raise_error ? :
440 0 13 if ($raise_error and not $req->{'_on_error_cb'})
448 4 9 if (not $client->{'async_cv'} or $client->{'async_cv'}->ready)
459 24 40 if ($__now != time)
466 0 2 if $req->{'_on_error_cb'}
495 0 64 unless (ref $resp eq 'HASH' and $resp->{'jsonrpc'} eq '2.0')
500 64 0 if (exists $resp->{'id'}) { }
508 2 62 unless $req
513 57 5 if (exists $resp->{'result'}) { }
516 1 56 if $req->{'_on_success_cb'}
521 1 4 if $req->{'_on_error_cb'}
535 0 0 unless (defined $method and $method =~ /^([\.\w-]+)\.([\w-]+)$/)
543 0 0 unless ($cb)
553 0 6 unless $success
565 0 2 unless defined $cv
569 0 2 if $AE_WAITING