Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 72 26.3

line true false branch
61 0 0 unless $connection and $data and $connection->can('POST')
65 0 0 unless my $path = $opt{'path'} || $class->path
92 0 0 if ($self)
113 0 0 unless $connection and $query_data and $connection->can('GET')
119 0 0 $query_data->{'id'} ? :
120 0 0 if (keys %$query_data)
126 0 0 $msg->{'results'} ? :
165 0 0 if (exists $param_types->{$fld}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $prop_types->{$fld}) { }
177 0 0 if (@recs) { }
178 0 0 if @recs > 1
201 0 0 if ref $self
204 0 0 if $parent
208 0 0 if $id
232 0 0 if (my $old_data = $self->_db_data)
238 0 0 if $fld =~ /^(id|modified|created)$/
243 0 0 if not defined $old_val or $self->_compare($types->{$fld}, $old_val, $new_val)
257 0 0 $v1 ? :
0 0 $v2 ? :
0 0 $type eq 'Date' ? :
0 0 $type eq 'Bool' ? :
311 4 11 unless ($types)
369 18 0 if defined $val
388 24 0 if (exists $types->{$fld}) { }
390 24 0 if defined $val
414 0 0 if $_
417 0 0 if $_
435 0 13 unless my $properties = $schema->{'properties'}
438 8 180 if $class->meta->get_attribute($prop)
441 10 170 $prop_spec->{'required'} ? :
454 0 183 unless my $type = $prop_spec->{'type'}
455 3 180 if ($type eq 'array') { }
33 147 elsif (my $enum = $prop_spec->{'enum'}) { }
470 0 147 unless $isa = {'string', 'Str', 'boolean', 'Bool', 'integer', 'Int', 'object', 'Object'}->{$type}
472 0 147 if ($isa eq 'Object' or $isa eq 'Array')
477 31 152 if $format and $format eq 'DATE_TIME'