Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 50 40.0

line true false branch
71 0 4 if (&is_object($module, $config)) { }
76 3 1 if (ref $config eq 'HASH') { }
1 0 elsif (not ref $config) { }
146 0 0 if ($item = delete $config->{'components'})
149 0 0 if ($item = delete $config->{'resources'})
152 0 0 if ($item = delete $config->{'delegates'})
166 0 2 if (@_)
167 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
180 2 0 @_ ? :
191 0 1 if (@_)
192 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
205 1 0 @_ ? :
214 1 1 if ($target = $self->component($name)) { }
0 1 elsif ($target = $self->delegate($name)) { }
238 0 1 @_ && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
239 0 1 unless ref $self
261 0 0 ref $deleg eq 'ARRAY' ? :
263 0 0 if $m1 eq $m2
302 0 7 unless @_
309 0 7 if ($config and ref $config eq 'HASH') { }
7 0 elsif (&blessed($config) and $method = $config->can('get')) { }
0 0 elsif (&blessed($config) and $method = $config->can($name)) { }
324 7 0 unless $defaults
357 6 0 if (ref $pkgvar eq 'HASH') { }
387 1 2 unless (ref $self)