Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 50 74.0

line true false branch
100 2 0 unless ($valid)
101 1 1 if (-f $self->{'fh'}) { }
1 0 elsif (length $self->{'fh'}) { }
111 1 1 if exists $self->{'fh'}
137 26 0 if $k =~ /^\d+$/
231 0 3 if $input
234 2 1 if ($self->{'fh'}) { }
258 2 5 if ($self->{'fh'}) { }
260 0 2 if $n != 4
265 0 2 if $n != $size
273 7 0 if (length $bson)
275 0 7 if $sep ne "\000"
296 0 3 if ($self->{'stdin'}) { }
299 1 2 if (exists $self->{'fh'}) { }
313 0 31 if (length $bson != $size)
317 0 31 if ($sep ne "\000")
323 71 103 if $element == 0
326 103 0 if (exists $self->{'func'}{$element}) { }
368 10 32 if (ref $hash and ref $hash eq 'ARRAY') { }
371 4 10 if $clean and ref $hash->[$h] eq 'HASH' and keys %{$$hash[$h];} == 0
374 18 14 if (ref $hash eq 'HASH')
376 14 36 if (grep {$k =~ /$_/;} @{$allowed_keys;}) { }
380 12 24 if (ref $hash->{$k})
381 12 0 if (ref $hash->{$k} eq 'HASH' or ref $hash->{$k} eq 'ARRAY')
383 1 5 if $clean and ref $hash->{$k} eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{$hash->{$k};} == 0