Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 134 49.2

line true false branch
65 0 8 if $@
120 8452 40086 $name eq 'null' && $targ ? :
134 0 35010 unless defined wantarray
137 30586 4424 if (ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4) { }
144 148 4276 $op->can('first') ? :
148 4276 $op->can('last') ? :
0 4424 $op->can('other') ? :
173 8 0 if ($] >= 5.021002 and exists &B::OP::parent) { }
174 91 1 $parent && ref $parent ne 'B::NULL' ? :
188 8 0 if ($] >= 5.021002)
200 220 8627 if $cx =~ /\b$$op\b/
203 91 7964 if ($$_ == $$target)
250 0 0 if ${$_[0];} != $$node
383 0 0 @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
390 0 0 if $op->can($attr)
394 0 0 if (!defined($recursion_limit) || $recursion_limit > 0 and ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4)
399 0 0 if defined $recursion_limit
408 0 0 if exists $opt->{'max_recursion_depth'}
444 1 1 wantarray ? :
445 1 2 wantarray ? :
456 1 1 wantarray ? :
480 3 5 if $subs_cached
502 4 48 'CV' eq class($_) ? :
525 2623 6288 unless $$cv
536 3510 2778 if ($cv->can('PADLIST') and $cv->PADLIST->can('ARRAY') and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->can('ARRAY'))
540 185 43259 'CV' eq class($_) ? :
551 0 6288 unless my $start = $cv->START and my $root = $cv->ROOT
603 0 54942 if $$visited{$$op}++
605 5850 49092 if (ref $op and $op->isa('B::COP')) { }
0 49646 elsif (not $op->isa('B::NULL') and $op->oldname =~ /^(next|db)state$/) { }
621 554 54388 if $op->isa('B::NULL')
622 26292 28096 if ($op->flags & 4)
628 349 54039 if ($op->isa('B::PMOP'))
630 15 334 if (ref $maybe_root and $maybe_root->isa('B::OP'))
662 5978 49993 if ($op->isa('B::COP'))
667 0 55971 if &$filter($op)
669 26799 29172 if (ref $op and $$op and $op->flags & 4)
849 0 55971 unless defined wantarray
852 0 55971 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $conds_ref
858 0 55971 exists $conds_ref->{'disjunction'} ? :
862 554 55417 unless ref $op and $$op
871 0 55417 if (exists $condition->{'disjunction'})
880 0 55417 if (exists $condition->{'dump'})
889 0 55417 unless (defined $condition)
890 0 0 unless defined $op or wantarray
895 0 55417 if ($condition->{'capture'})
921 0 55417 unless exists $condition->{$test}
924 0 55417 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $condition->{$test}) { }
0 55417 elsif ('CODE' eq ref $condition->{$test}) { }
927 0 0 if ('!' eq $condition->{$test}[0]) { }
943 0 0 unless $okay
948 0 0 unless $condition->{$test}->($op)
954 55417 0 unless $condition->{$test} eq $op->$test
965 0 0 unless exists $condition->{$_}
967 0 0 unless $result
969 0 0 unless (&blessed($result))
976 0 0 if (exists $condition->{'kids'})
980 0 0 unless @{$kidconditions;} == @{$condition->{'kids'};}
984 0 0 unless defined $kidconditions->[$kidno]
987 0 0 unless $result
989 0 0 unless (&blessed($result))
997 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
0 0 elsif (defined wantarray) { }
998 0 0 if (keys %$capture) { }
1024 0 0 ref $_ ? :
1125 0 0 unless $args
1126 0 0 if ("\n" ne substr($args, -1, 1))