Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 33 24.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
46 0 2 20 defined($c = $fh->getc) and $c ne "\000"
120 0 15 48 defined($c = $fh->getc) and $c ne "\000"
146 0 2 18 defined($c = $fh->getc) and $c ne "\n"
156 0 0 0 defined($c = $fh->getc) and $c ne "\000"
319 0 0 0 $insn eq 'ldop' and $] > 5.007
0 0 0 $comment and $insn eq 'op_private'
0 0 0 $insn eq 'op_type' and $] < 5.007
378 0 0 0 $insn eq 'op_flags' and $comment

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
277 1 0 0 $blversion gt '"0.06"' or $blversion eq '"0.04"'
319 0 0 0 $insn eq 'newopx' or $insn eq 'ldop' and $] > 5.007
433 0 0 181 not defined $insn or $insn eq 'unused'