Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 278 2.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
517 0 0 0 $entertry_defined and $] < 5.011004
579 0 0 0 $PERL510 and $^O eq 'MSWin32'
693 0 0 0 $] < 5.011001 and $inline_ops
957 0 0 0 $cxix >= 0 and CxTYPE_no_LOOP($cxstack[$cxix])
967 0 0 0 $cxix >= 0 and CxTYPE_no_LOOP($cxstack[$cxix]) || $cxstack[$cxix]{'label'} ne $label
976 0 0 0 $cxix < 0 and $debug{'cxstack'}
1105 0 0 0 ref $namesv eq 'B::PVMG' and ref $namesv->SvSTASH eq 'B::HV'
1149 0 0 0 $type == 0 and $opt_name_magic
0 0 0 $type == 0 and $opt_name_magic and $name =~ /^(.*)_([dis])(r?)$/
1168 0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and length $name > 100
0 0 0 $] < 5.008008 and length $name > 100 and $name =~ /\0\0/
1202 0 0 0 $] > 5.007 and utf8::is_utf8($l)
1236 0 0 0 $op->can('label') and $op->label
1252 0 0 0 $op->can('label') and $op->label
1266 0 0 0 $op->can('label') and $op->label
1267 0 0 0 ref $op eq 'B::LOOP' && $op->nextop
0 0 0 ref $op eq 'B::LOOP' && $op->redoop
0 0 0 ref $op eq 'B::LOOP' && $op->lastop
0 0 0 $op->can('label') && $op->label
1530 0 0 0 $op->next and $op->next->can('name')
0 0 0 $op->next and $op->next->can('name') and $op->next->name eq 'method_named'
1544 0 0 0 $$labels{'nextstate'}[-1] and $$labels{'nextstate'}[-1] == $op
1553 0 0 0 $ppname =~ /^pp_sub_END(_\d+)?$/ and $ITHREADS
1556 0 0 0 $] >= 5.016 and $] <= 5.017
1567 0 0 0 $op->label and $debug{'cxstack'}
1621 0 0 0 $inline_ops and $] >= 5.008
1694 0 0 0 ($svobj->flags & 255) == $SVt_PVLV and B::PVLV::LvTYPE($svobj) eq 121
1751 0 0 0 $op->flags & 128 and $op->flags & 64
1855 0 0 0 $lex && ref $lex eq 'B::AV' && ($lex->MAGICAL & 8388608 || !$lex->ARRAY)
1868 0 0 0 $lex && ref $lex eq 'B::AV' && ($lex->MAGICAL & 8388608 || !$lex->ARRAY)
1880 0 0 0 $gvav && ($gvav->MAGICAL & 8388608 || !$gvav->ARRAY)
1893 0 0 0 $opt_aelem and not $rmg
0 0 0 $opt_aelem and not $rmg and not $vivify
0 0 0 $opt_aelem and not $rmg and not $vivify and $ix >= 0
1897 0 0 0 !$lval && $rmg
1920 0 0 0 $avobj && $avobj->MAGICAL & 8388608
1972 0 0 0 $flags & 1 && @stack >= 2 && valid_int($stack[-2]) && valid_int($stack[-1])
2038 0 0 0 $flags & 1 && @stack >= 1 && valid_int($stack[-1])
2446 0 0 0 ${$op->first;} and $op->first->type
2631 0 0 0 $$labels{'leavetry'}[-1] and $$labels{'leavetry'}[-1] == $op
2641 0 0 0 $need_freetmps and $freetmps_each_loop
2662 0 0 0 $need_freetmps and $freetmps_each_loop
2891 0 0 0 $cxstack[$cxix]{'nextop'} and $cxstack[$cxix]{'label'}
2929 0 0 0 $cxstack[$cxix]{'redoop'} and $cxstack[$cxix]{'label'}
2970 0 0 0 $cxstack[$cxix]{'lastop'} and $cxstack[$cxix]{'label'}
2976 0 0 0 $cxstack[$cxix]{'lastop'} and $cxstack[$cxix]{'lastop'}->next
3044 0 0 0 $curcop and $need_curcop{$ppname}
3088 0 0 0 $] < 5.013 and $opt_slow_signals || $$op && $async_signals{$op->name}
3091 0 0 0 defined $op and $$op
0 0 0 defined $op and $$op and not exists $$leaders{$$op}
3135 0 0 0 defined $op && $$op
3140 0 0 0 $need_freetmps and $freetmps_each_bblock
3144 0 0 0 defined $op and $$op
0 0 0 defined $op and $$op and not $done{$$op}
3145 0 0 0 $need_freetmps and $freetmps_each_loop
3178 0 0 0 $DB::deep and $$ccinfo[0] =~ /^pp_sub_(DB|Term__ReadLine)_/
3356 0 0 0 $opt eq '-' and $arg eq '-'
3451 0 0 0 $arg eq 'F' and eval 'require B::Flags;'
3480 0 15 0 not $@ and $Opcodes::VERSION
3510 15 0 0 $c_optimise{'destruct'} and $] > 5.008

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
768 0 0 shift() || 0
834 0 0 shift() || 0
3293 0 0 $module ||= 'main'
3549 0 0 $init_name || 'init_module'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
419 0 0 0 $_[0]{'type'} < 4 || $_[0]{'type'} > 7
535 0 0 0 $PERL510 or $MULTI
719 0 0 0 $name eq '*ignore*' or $name =~ /^pp_sub_.*(FETCH|MODIFY)_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES$/
967 0 0 0 CxTYPE_no_LOOP($cxstack[$cxix]) || $cxstack[$cxix]{'label'} ne $label
1093 0 0 0 not defined $namesv or $class eq 'SPECIAL'
1107 0 0 0 $class eq 'num' or $class eq 'double'
0 0 0 $class eq 'str' or $class eq 'string'
1570 0 0 0 $freetmps_each_bblock or $freetmps_each_loop
1913 0 0 0 $op->flags & 32 || $op->private & 64
1926 0 0 0 $lval or $rmg
1971 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $flags & 2
1972 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $flags & 1 && @stack >= 2 && valid_int($stack[-2]) && valid_int($stack[-1])
2012 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $targ->{'type'} == 1
2037 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $flags & 2
2038 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $flags & 1 && @stack >= 1 && valid_int($stack[-1])
2043 0 0 0 $force_int ||= $targ->{'type'} == 1
2397 0 0 0 $type == 1 or $type == 2
3088 0 0 0 $opt_slow_signals || $$op && $async_signals{$op->name}
3105 0 0 0 not ref($padlist[0]) =~ /^B::(AV|PADNAMELIST)$/ or ref $padlist[1] ne 'B::AV'
3135 0 0 0 not defined $op && $$op or $done{$$op}
3253 0 0 0 $errors or $check
3361 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3373 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3378 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3382 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3386 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3423 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3435 0 0 0 $arg ||= shift @options
3471 1 0 14 $strict or $Config{'ccflags'} =~ /-DDEBUGGING/
3487 15 15 5910 $ppname eq 'pp_enter' or $ppname eq 'pp_leave'