File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 35 38 92.1
branch 9 12 75.0
condition 6 9 66.6
subroutine 9 10 90.0
pod 6 6 100.0
total 65 75 86.6

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1 7     7   3602 use strict;
  7         11  
  7         157  
2 7     7   18 use warnings;
  7         7  
  7         297  
3             package Perl::Critic::Policy::Lax::RequireExplicitPackage::ExceptForPragmata;
4             # ABSTRACT: you can put strict and warnings before "package"
5             $Perl::Critic::Policy::Lax::RequireExplicitPackage::ExceptForPragmata::VERSION = '0.013';
6             #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
7             #pod
8             #pod This policy is meant to replace Modules::RequireExplicitPackage. That policy's
9             #pod POD says:
10             #pod
11             #pod In general, the first statement of any Perl module or library should be a
12             #pod package statement. Otherwise, all the code that comes before the package
13             #pod statement is getting executed in the caller's package, and you have no idea
14             #pod who that is. Good encapsulation and common decency require your module to
15             #pod keep its innards to itself.
16             #pod
17             #pod Sure, that's swell for code that has effect at a package level, but
18             #pod some statements are lexical. This policy makes allowance for some of
19             #pod those cases. By default, it permits turning on strictures, warnings,
20             #pod features, and diagnostics, as well as requiring a minimum Perl
21             #pod version.
22             #pod
23             #pod =cut
25 7     7   89 use Perl::Critic::Utils;
  7         10  
  7         81  
26 7     7   3402 use parent qw(Perl::Critic::Policy);
  7         8  
  7         28  
28             my $EXPLANATION = 'Violates encapsulation';
29             my $DESCRIPTION = 'Code (other than strict/warnings) not in explicit package';
31 4     4 1 35 sub default_severity { $SEVERITY_HIGH }
32 0     0 1 0 sub default_themes { qw( risky ) }
33 9     9 1 26157 sub applies_to { 'PPI::Document' }
35             #pod =method supported_parameters
36             #pod
37             #pod The default list of pragmata that are permitted before a C<package>
38             #pod declaration can be changed via the C<allowed_pragmata> configuration
39             #pod parameter. Its value is a space-separated list of pragma names to be
40             #pod permitted. In this list, the name C<perlversion> is special: it
41             #pod allows a C<use> statement.
42             #pod
43             #pod This module understands the C<exempt_scripts> configuration parameter just like
44             #pod L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireExplicitPackage>.
45             #pod
46             #pod =cut
48             sub supported_parameters {
49             return (
50             {
51 9     9 1 23184 name => 'allowed_pragmata',
52             description =>
53             'Names of pragmata that are permitted before package declaration',
54             default_string => 'diagnostics feature perlversion strict warnings',
55             behavior => 'string list',
56             },
57             {
58             name => 'exempt_scripts',
59             description => q(Don't require programs to have a package statement.),
60             default_string => '1',
61             behavior => 'boolean',
62             },
63             );
64             }
66             sub initialize_if_enabled {
67 9     9 1 13070 my($self, $config) = @_;
68             # The real parsing was done to spec in supported_parameters, but we
69             # convert the list to a hash here for ease of use later.
70 0         0 $self->{_allowed_pragmata} = { map { {$_ => 1} } @{$self->{_allowed_pragmata}} }
  0         0  
71 9 50       29 if ref $self->{_allowed_pragmata} eq 'ARRAY';
72 9         17 return $TRUE;
73             }
75             sub violates {
76 9     9 1 59 my ($self, $elem, $doc) = @_;
78             # You can configure this policy to exclude scripts
79 9 100 66     42 return if $self->{_exempt_scripts} && $doc->is_program;
81             # Find the first 'package' statement
82 8         79 my $package_stmnt = $doc->find_first('PPI::Statement::Package');
83 8 50       133 my $package_line = $package_stmnt ? $package_stmnt->location()->[0] : undef;
85             # Find all statements that aren't 'package' statements
86 8         106 my $stmnts_ref = $doc->find('PPI::Statement');
87 8 50       56 return if !$stmnts_ref;
88             my @non_packages =
89             grep { not(
90             $_->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') && $_->type eq 'use'
91             && ( $_->version && exists $self->{_allowed_pragmata}{perlversion} ||
92 25   66     728 exists $self->{_allowed_pragmata}{ $_->module } )
93             ) }
94 8         11 grep { !$_->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') } @{$stmnts_ref};
  33         83  
  8         10  
95 8 100       99 return if !@non_packages;
97             # If the 'package' statement is not defined, or the other
98             # statements appear before the 'package', then it violates.
100 7         11 my @viols = ();
101 7         10 for my $statement (@non_packages) {
102 10         394 my $statement_line = $statement->location->[0];
103 10 100 66     121 if ((not defined $package_line) || ($statement_line < $package_line)) {
104 4         15 push @viols, $self->violation($DESCRIPTION, $EXPLANATION, $statement);
105             }
106             }
108 7         123 return @viols;
109             }
111             1;
113             __END__
115             =pod
117             =encoding UTF-8
119             =head1 NAME
121             Perl::Critic::Policy::Lax::RequireExplicitPackage::ExceptForPragmata - you can put strict and warnings before "package"
123             =head1 VERSION
125             version 0.013
127             =head1 DESCRIPTION
129             This policy is meant to replace Modules::RequireExplicitPackage. That policy's
130             POD says:
132             In general, the first statement of any Perl module or library should be a
133             package statement. Otherwise, all the code that comes before the package
134             statement is getting executed in the caller's package, and you have no idea
135             who that is. Good encapsulation and common decency require your module to
136             keep its innards to itself.
138             Sure, that's swell for code that has effect at a package level, but
139             some statements are lexical. This policy makes allowance for some of
140             those cases. By default, it permits turning on strictures, warnings,
141             features, and diagnostics, as well as requiring a minimum Perl
142             version.
144             =head1 METHODS
146             =head2 supported_parameters
148             The default list of pragmata that are permitted before a C<package>
149             declaration can be changed via the C<allowed_pragmata> configuration
150             parameter. Its value is a space-separated list of pragma names to be
151             permitted. In this list, the name C<perlversion> is special: it
152             allows a C<use> statement.
154             This module understands the C<exempt_scripts> configuration parameter just like
155             L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireExplicitPackage>.
157             =head1 AUTHOR
159             Ricardo Signes <>
161             =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
163             This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Ricardo Signes <>.
165             This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
166             the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
168             =cut