File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 210 249 84.3
branch 71 120 59.1
condition 5 12 41.6
subroutine 27 30 90.0
pod 8 8 100.0
total 321 419 76.6

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package POE::Session;
3 169     169   2502 use strict;
  169         237  
  169         9058  
5 169     169   807 use vars qw($VERSION);
  169         227  
  169         9650  
6             $VERSION = '1.367'; # NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
8 169     169   872 use Carp qw(carp croak);
  169         289  
  169         10775  
9 169     169   825 use Errno;
  169         227  
  169         40139  
11             sub SE_NAMESPACE () { 0 }
12             sub SE_OPTIONS () { 1 }
13             sub SE_STATES () { 2 }
14             sub SE_ID () { 3 }
16             sub CREATE_ARGS () { 'args' }
17             sub CREATE_OPTIONS () { 'options' }
18             sub CREATE_INLINES () { 'inline_states' }
19             sub CREATE_PACKAGES () { 'package_states' }
20             sub CREATE_OBJECTS () { 'object_states' }
21             sub CREATE_HEAP () { 'heap' }
23             sub OPT_TRACE () { 'trace' }
24             sub OPT_DEBUG () { 'debug' }
25             sub OPT_DEFAULT () { 'default' }
27             sub EN_START () { '_start' }
28             sub EN_DEFAULT () { '_default' }
29             sub EN_SIGNAL () { '_signal' }
31             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32             # Debugging flags for subsystems. They're done as double evals here
33             # so that someone may define them before using POE::Session (or POE),
34             # and the pre-defined value will take precedence over the defaults
35             # here.
37             # Shorthand for defining an assert constant.
39             sub _define_assert {
40 169     169   16937 no strict 'refs';
  169         415  
  169         27611  
41 169     169   459 foreach my $name (@_) {
43 169         843 local $^W = 0;
45 169 50       257 next if defined *{"ASSERT_$name"}{CODE};
  169         1295  
46 169 50       234 if (defined *{"POE::Kernel::ASSERT_$name"}{CODE}) {
  169         1070  
47             eval(
48 0         0 "sub ASSERT_$name () { " .
49 0         0 *{"POE::Kernel::ASSERT_$name"}{CODE}->() .
50             "}"
51             );
52 0 0       0 die if $@;
53             }
54             else {
55 169         5889 eval "sub ASSERT_$name () { ASSERT_DEFAULT }";
56 169 50       1182 die if $@;
57             }
58             }
59             }
61             # Shorthand for defining a trace constant.
62             sub _define_trace {
63 169     169   969 no strict 'refs';
  169         226  
  169         35428  
65 169     169   454 local $^W = 0;
67 169         357 foreach my $name (@_) {
68 169 50       233 next if defined *{"TRACE_$name"}{CODE};
  169         1019  
69 169 50       259 if (defined *{"POE::Kernel::TRACE_$name"}{CODE}) {
  169         1042  
70             eval(
71 0         0 "sub TRACE_$name () { " .
72 0         0 *{"POE::Kernel::TRACE_$name"}{CODE}->() .
73             "}"
74             );
75 0 0       0 die if $@;
76             }
77             else {
78 169         5811 eval "sub TRACE_$name () { TRACE_DEFAULT }";
79 169 50       39268 die if $@;
80             }
81             }
82             }
84             BEGIN {
86             # ASSERT_DEFAULT changes the default value for other ASSERT_*
87             # constants. It inherits POE::Kernel's ASSERT_DEFAULT value, if
88             # it's present.
90 169 50   169   930 unless (defined &ASSERT_DEFAULT) {
91 169 50       719 if (defined &POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT) {
92 169         7594 eval( "sub ASSERT_DEFAULT () { " . &POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT . " }" );
93             }
94             else {
95 0         0 eval 'sub ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 0 }';
96             }
97             };
99             # TRACE_DEFAULT changes the default value for other TRACE_*
100             # constants. It inherits POE::Kernel's TRACE_DEFAULT value, if
101             # it's present.
103 169 50       779 unless (defined &TRACE_DEFAULT) {
104 169 50       548 if (defined &POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT) {
105 169         20381 eval( "sub TRACE_DEFAULT () { " . &POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT . " }" );
106             }
107             else {
108 0         0 eval 'sub TRACE_DEFAULT () { 0 }';
109             }
110             };
112 169         692 _define_assert("STATES");
113 169         459 _define_trace("DESTROY");
114             }
116             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117             # Export constants into calling packages. This is evil; perhaps
118             # EXPORT_OK instead? The parameters NFA has in common with SESSION
119             # (and other sessions) must be kept at the same offsets as each-other.
121             sub OBJECT () { 0 } # TODO - deprecate and replace with SELF
122             sub SESSION () { 1 }
123             sub KERNEL () { 2 }
124             sub HEAP () { 3 }
125             sub STATE () { 4 } # TODO - deprecate and replace with EVENT
126             sub SENDER () { 5 }
127             # NFA keeps its state in 6. unused in session so that args match up.
128             sub CALLER_FILE () { 7 }
129             sub CALLER_LINE () { 8 }
130             sub CALLER_STATE () { 9 } # TODO - deprecate and replace with CALLER_EVENT
131             sub ARG0 () { 10 }
132             sub ARG1 () { 11 }
133             sub ARG2 () { 12 }
134             sub ARG3 () { 13 }
135             sub ARG4 () { 14 }
136             sub ARG5 () { 15 }
137             sub ARG6 () { 16 }
138             sub ARG7 () { 17 }
139             sub ARG8 () { 18 }
140             sub ARG9 () { 19 }
142             sub import {
143 359     359   1204 my $package = caller();
144 169     169   1057 no strict 'refs';
  169         389  
  169         474624  
145 359         837 *{ $package . '::OBJECT' } = \&OBJECT;
  359         2091  
146 359         709 *{ $package . '::SESSION' } = \&SESSION;
  359         1332  
147 359         639 *{ $package . '::KERNEL' } = \&KERNEL;
  359         1249  
148 359         904 *{ $package . '::HEAP' } = \&HEAP;
  359         2130  
149 359         618 *{ $package . '::STATE' } = \&STATE;
  359         1494  
150 359         623 *{ $package . '::SENDER' } = \&SENDER;
  359         1178  
151 359         679 *{ $package . '::ARG0' } = \&ARG0;
  359         1788  
152 359         594 *{ $package . '::ARG1' } = \&ARG1;
  359         1145  
153 359         607 *{ $package . '::ARG2' } = \&ARG2;
  359         1324  
154 359         630 *{ $package . '::ARG3' } = \&ARG3;
  359         1127  
155 359         616 *{ $package . '::ARG4' } = \&ARG4;
  359         1139  
156 359         577 *{ $package . '::ARG5' } = \&ARG5;
  359         1054  
157 359         657 *{ $package . '::ARG6' } = \&ARG6;
  359         1132  
158 359         612 *{ $package . '::ARG7' } = \&ARG7;
  359         1220  
159 359         662 *{ $package . '::ARG8' } = \&ARG8;
  359         1196  
160 359         678 *{ $package . '::ARG9' } = \&ARG9;
  359         1435  
161 359         592 *{ $package . '::CALLER_FILE' } = \&CALLER_FILE;
  359         15695  
162 359         601 *{ $package . '::CALLER_LINE' } = \&CALLER_LINE;
  359         1228  
163 359         583 *{ $package . '::CALLER_STATE' } = \&CALLER_STATE;
  359         11814  
164             }
166             sub instantiate {
167 787     787 1 1512 my $type = shift;
169 787 50       2447 croak "$type requires a working Kernel"
170             unless defined $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel;
172 787         3583 my $self =
173             bless [ { }, # SE_NAMESPACE
174             { }, # SE_OPTIONS
175             { }, # SE_STATES
176             ], $type;
178 787         1205 if (ASSERT_STATES) {
179             $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_DEFAULT} = 1;
180             }
182 787         3287 return $self;
183             }
185             sub try_alloc {
186 1423     787 1 3020 my ($self, @args) = @_;
187             # Verify that the session has a special start state, otherwise how
188             # do we know what to do? Don't even bother registering the session
189             # if the start state doesn't exist.
191 787 50       2596 if (exists $self->[SE_STATES]->{+EN_START}) {
192 787         4016 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->session_alloc($self, @args);
193             }
194             else {
195 0         0 carp( "discarding session ",
196             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self),
197             " - no '_start' state"
198             );
199 0         0 $self = undef;
200             }
202 724         16594 $self;
203             }
205             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206             # New style constructor. This uses less DWIM and more DWIS, and it's
207             # more comfortable for some folks; especially the ones who don't quite
208             # know WTM.
210             sub create {
211 789     789 1 254318 my ($type, @params) = @_;
212 789         1219 my @args;
214             # We treat the parameter list strictly as a hash. Rather than dying
215             # here with a Perl error, we'll catch it and blame it on the user.
217 789 100       2652 if (@params & 1) {
218 2         248 croak "odd number of events/handlers (missing one or the other?)";
219             }
220 787         3347 my %params = @params;
222 787         3102 my $self = $type->instantiate(\%params);
224             # Process _start arguments. We try to do the right things with what
225             # we're given. If the arguments are a list reference, map its items
226             # to ARG0..ARGn; otherwise make whatever the heck it is be ARG0.
228 787 100       2710 if (exists $params{+CREATE_ARGS}) {
229 347 50       1579 if (ref($params{+CREATE_ARGS}) eq 'ARRAY') {
230 347         458 push @args, @{$params{+CREATE_ARGS}};
  347         928  
231             }
232             else {
233 0         0 push @args, $params{+CREATE_ARGS};
234             }
235 347         792 delete $params{+CREATE_ARGS};
236             }
238             # Process session options here. Several options may be set.
240 787 100       2346 if (exists $params{+CREATE_OPTIONS}) {
241 4 50       19 if (ref($params{+CREATE_OPTIONS}) eq 'HASH') {
242 4         10 $self->[SE_OPTIONS] = $params{+CREATE_OPTIONS};
243             }
244             else {
245 0         0 croak "options for $type constructor is expected to be a HASH reference";
246             }
247 4         12 delete $params{+CREATE_OPTIONS};
248             }
250             # Get down to the business of defining states.
252 787         4000 while (my ($param_name, $param_value) = each %params) {
254             # Inline states are expected to be state-name/coderef pairs.
256 1165 100       4050 if ($param_name eq CREATE_INLINES) {
257 680 50       2454 croak "$param_name does not refer to a hash"
258             unless (ref($param_value) eq 'HASH');
260 680         2899 while (my ($state, $handler) = each(%$param_value)) {
261 4709 50       8268 croak "inline state for '$state' needs a CODE reference"
262             unless (ref($handler) eq 'CODE');
263 4709         7019 $self->_register_state($state, $handler);
264             }
265             }
267             # Package states are expected to be package-name/list-or-hashref
268             # pairs. If the second part of the pair is a arrayref, then the
269             # package methods are expected to be named after the states
270             # they'll handle. If it's a hashref, then the keys are state
271             # names and the values are package methods that implement them.
273             elsif ($param_name eq CREATE_PACKAGES) {
274 200 50       756 croak "$param_name does not refer to an array"
275             unless (ref($param_value) eq 'ARRAY');
276 200 50       7433 croak "the array for $param_name has an odd number of elements"
277             if (@$param_value & 1);
279             # Copy the parameters so they aren't destroyed.
280 200         623 my @param_value = @$param_value;
281 200         1298 while (my ($package, $handlers) = splice(@param_value, 0, 2)) {
283             # TODO What do we do if the package name has some sort of
284             # blessing? Do we use the blessed thingy's package, or do we
285             # maybe complain because the user might have wanted to make
286             # object states instead?
288             # An array of handlers. The array's items are passed through
289             # as both state names and package method names.
291 103 100       505 if (ref($handlers) eq 'ARRAY') {
292 100         370 foreach my $method (@$handlers) {
293 863         1613 $self->_register_state($method, $package, $method);
294             }
295             }
297             # A hash of handlers. Hash keys are state names; values are
298             # package methods to implement them.
300             elsif (ref($handlers) eq 'HASH') {
301 3         18 while (my ($state, $method) = each %$handlers) {
302 7         16 $self->_register_state($state, $package, $method);
303             }
304             }
306             else {
307 0         0 croak( "states for package '$package' " .
308             "need to be a hash or array ref"
309             );
310             }
311             }
312             }
314             # Object states are expected to be object-reference/
315             # list-or-hashref pairs. They must be passed to &create in a list
316             # reference instead of a hash reference because making object
317             # references into hash keys loses their blessings.
319             elsif ($param_name eq CREATE_OBJECTS) {
320 104 50       254 croak "$param_name does not refer to an array"
321             unless (ref($param_value) eq 'ARRAY');
322 104 50       244 croak "the array for $param_name has an odd number of elements"
323             if (@$param_value & 1);
325             # Copy the parameters so they aren't destroyed.
326 104         184 my @param_value = @$param_value;
327 104         410 while (@param_value) {
328 7         24 my ($object, $handlers) = splice(@param_value, 0, 2);
330             # Verify that the object is an object. This may catch simple
331             # mistakes; or it may be overkill since it already checks that
332             # $param_value is a arrayref.
334 7 50       29 carp "'$object' is not an object" unless ref($object);
336             # An array of handlers. The array's items are passed through
337             # as both state names and object method names.
339 7 100       37 if (ref($handlers) eq 'ARRAY') {
340 4         10 foreach my $method (@$handlers) {
341 13         39 $self->_register_state($method, $object, $method);
342             }
343             }
345             # A hash of handlers. Hash keys are state names; values are
346             # package methods to implement them.
348             elsif (ref($handlers) eq 'HASH') {
349 3         18 while (my ($state, $method) = each %$handlers) {
350 7         18 $self->_register_state($state, $object, $method);
351             }
352             }
354             else {
355 0         0 croak "states for object '$object' need to be a hash or array ref";
356             }
358             }
359             }
361             # Import an external heap. This is a convenience, since it
362             # eliminates the need to connect _start options to heap values.
364             elsif ($param_name eq CREATE_HEAP) {
365 181         909 $self->[SE_NAMESPACE] = $param_value;
366             }
368             else {
369 0         0 croak "unknown $type parameter: $param_name";
370             }
371             }
373 787         2689 return $self->try_alloc(@args);
374             }
376             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
378             sub DESTROY {
379 557     557   1688 my $self = shift;
381             # Session's data structures are destroyed through Perl's usual
382             # garbage collection. TRACE_DESTROY here just shows what's in the
383             # session before the destruction finishes.
385 557         13535 TRACE_DESTROY and do {
386             require Data::Dumper;
387             POE::Kernel::_warn(
388             "----- Session $self Leak Check -----\n",
389             "-- Namespace (HEAP):\n",
390             Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->[SE_NAMESPACE]),
391             "-- Options:\n",
392             );
393             foreach (sort keys (%{$self->[SE_OPTIONS]})) {
394             POE::Kernel::_warn(" $_ = ", $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$_}, "\n");
395             }
396             POE::Kernel::_warn("-- States:\n");
397             foreach (sort keys (%{$self->[SE_STATES]})) {
398             POE::Kernel::_warn(" $_ = ", $self->[SE_STATES]->{$_}, "\n");
399             }
400             };
401             }
403             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
405             sub _invoke_state {
406 9205     8939   78314 my ($self, $source_session, $state, $etc, $file, $line, $fromstate) = @_;
408             # Trace the state invocation if tracing is enabled.
410 9205 100       407673 if ($self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_TRACE}) {
411 274         3723 POE::Kernel::_warn(
412             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self),
413             " -> $state (from $file at $line)\n"
414             );
415             }
417             # The desired destination state doesn't exist in this session.
418             # Attempt to redirect the state transition to _default.
420 9205 100       26210 unless (exists $self->[SE_STATES]->{$state}) {
422             # There's no _default either; redirection's not happening today.
423             # Drop the state transition event on the floor, and optionally
424             # make some noise about it.
426 581 100       2581 unless (exists $self->[SE_STATES]->{+EN_DEFAULT}) {
427 461 50       2520 $! = exists &Errno::ENOSYS ? &Errno::ENOSYS : &Errno::EIO;
428 461 100 66     1798 if ($self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_DEFAULT} and $state ne EN_SIGNAL) {
429 267         2778 my $loggable_self =
430             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->_data_alias_loggable($self->ID);
431 1755         10949 POE::Kernel::_warn(
432             "a '$state' event was sent from $file at $line to $loggable_self ",
433             "but $loggable_self has neither a handler for it ",
434             "nor one for _default\n"
435             );
436             }
437 195         584 return undef;
438             }
440             # If we get this far, then there's a _default state to redirect
441             # the transition to. Trace the redirection.
443 122 50       321 if ($self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_TRACE}) {
444 0         0 POE::Kernel::_warn(
445             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self),
446             " -> $state redirected to _default\n"
447             );
448             }
450             # Transmogrify the original state transition into a corresponding
451             # _default invocation. ARG1 is copied from $etc so it can't be
452             # altered from a distance.
454 122         311 $etc = [ $state, [@$etc] ];
455 122         178 $state = EN_DEFAULT;
456             }
458             # If we get this far, then the state can be invoked. So invoke it
459             # already!
461             # Inline states are invoked this way.
463 8744 100       25637 if (ref($self->[SE_STATES]->{$state}) eq 'CODE') {
464 6217         30645 return $self->[SE_STATES]->{$state}->
465             ( undef, # object
466             $self, # session
467             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel, # kernel
468             $self->[SE_NAMESPACE], # heap
469             $state, # state
470             $source_session, # sender
471             undef, # unused #6
472             $file, # caller file name
473             $line, # caller file line
474             $fromstate, # caller state
475             @$etc # args
476             );
477             }
479             # Package and object states are invoked this way.
481 2527         2334 my ($object, $method) = @{$self->[SE_STATES]->{$state}};
  2527         5557  
482             return
483 2527         10791 $object->$method # package/object (implied)
484             ( $self, # session
485             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel, # kernel
486             $self->[SE_NAMESPACE], # heap
487             $state, # state
488             $source_session, # sender
489             undef, # unused #6
490             $file, # caller file name
491             $line, # caller file line
492             $fromstate, # caller state
493             @$etc # args
494             );
495             }
497             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
498             # Add, remove or replace states in the session.
500             sub _register_state {
501 7658     7658   12165 my ($self, $name, $handler, $method) = @_;
502 7658 100       13818 $method = $name unless defined $method;
504             # Deprecate _signal.
505             # RC 2004-09-07 - Decided to leave this in because it blames
506             # problems with _signal on the user for using it. It should
507             # probably go away after a little while, but not during the other
508             # deprecations.
510 7658 50       14099 if ($name eq EN_SIGNAL) {
512             # Report the problem outside POE.
513 0         0 my $caller_level = 0;
514 0         0 local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
515 0         0 while ( (caller $caller_level)[0] =~ /^POE::/ ) {
516 0         0 $caller_level++;
517 0         0 $Carp::CarpLevel++;
518             }
520             croak(
521 0         0 ",----- DEPRECATION ERROR -----\n",
522             "| The _signal event is deprecated. Please use sig() to register\n",
523             "| an explicit signal handler instead.\n",
524             "`-----------------------------\n",
525             );
526             }
528             # There is a handler, so try to define the state. This replaces an
529             # existing state.
531 7658 100       11833 if ($handler) {
533             # Coderef handlers are inline states.
535 6701 100       15335 if (ref($handler) eq 'CODE') {
536 5811 50 66     13850 carp( "redefining handler for event($name) for session(",
537             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self), ")"
538             )
539             if ( $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_DEBUG} &&
540             (exists $self->[SE_STATES]->{$name})
541             );
542 5811         24182 $self->[SE_STATES]->{$name} = $handler;
543             }
545             # Non-coderef handlers may be package or object states. See if
546             # the method belongs to the handler.
548             elsif ($handler->can($method)) {
549 890 50 33     2445 carp( "redefining handler for event($name) for session(",
550             $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self), ")"
551             )
552             if ( $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_DEBUG} &&
553             (exists $self->[SE_STATES]->{$name})
554             );
555 890         5058 $self->[SE_STATES]->{$name} = [ $handler, $method ];
556             }
558             # Something's wrong. This code also seems wrong, since
559             # ref($handler) can't be 'CODE'.
561             else {
562 0 0 0     0 if ( (ref($handler) eq 'CODE') and
563             $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{+OPT_TRACE}
564             ) {
565 0         0 carp( $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self),
566             " : handler for event($name) is not a proper ref - not registered"
567             )
568             }
569             else {
570 0 0       0 unless ($handler->can($method)) {
571 0 0       0 if (length ref($handler)) {
572 0         0 croak "object $handler does not have a '$method' method"
573             }
574             else {
575 0         0 croak "package $handler does not have a '$method' method";
576             }
577             }
578             }
579             }
580             }
582             # No handler. Delete the state!
584             else {
585 957         10129 delete $self->[SE_STATES]->{$name};
586             }
587             }
589             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
590             # Return the session's ID. This is a thunk into POE::Kernel, where
591             # the session ID really lies.
593             sub _set_id {
594 795     795   1436 my ($self, $id) = @_;
595 795         2486 $self->[SE_ID] = $id;
596             }
598             sub ID {
599 834018     834018 1 1842086 return shift()->[SE_ID];
600             }
602             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603             # Set or fetch session options.
605             sub option {
606 8     8 1 1685 my $self = shift;
607 8         11 my %return_values;
609             # Options are set in pairs.
611 8         36 while (@_ >= 2) {
612 4         10 my ($flag, $value) = splice(@_, 0, 2);
613 4         9 $flag = lc($flag);
615             # If the value is defined, then set the option.
617 4 50       11 if (defined $value) {
619             # Change some handy values into boolean representations. This
620             # clobbers the user's original values for the sake of DWIM-ism.
622 4 50       11 ($value = 1) if ($value =~ /^(on|yes|true)$/i);
623 4 50       10 ($value = 0) if ($value =~ /^(no|off|false)$/i);
625 4         12 $return_values{$flag} = $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$flag};
626 4         12 $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$flag} = $value;
627             }
629             # Remove the option if the value is undefined.
631             else {
632 0         0 $return_values{$flag} = delete $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$flag};
633             }
634             }
636             # If only one option is left, then there's no value to set, so we
637             # fetch its value.
639 8 100       18 if (@_) {
640 4         10 my $flag = lc(shift);
641 4 50       20 $return_values{$flag} =
642             ( exists($self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$flag})
643             ? $self->[SE_OPTIONS]->{$flag}
644             : undef
645             );
646             }
648             # If only one option was set or fetched, then return it as a scalar.
649             # Otherwise return it as a hash of option names and values.
651 8         22 my @return_keys = keys(%return_values);
652 8 50       23 if (@return_keys == 1) {
653 8         34 return $return_values{$return_keys[0]};
654             }
655             else {
656 0         0 return \%return_values;
657             }
658             }
660             # Fetch the session's heap. In rare cases, libraries may need to
661             # break encapsulation this way, probably also using
662             # $kernel->get_current_session as an accessory to the crime.
664             sub get_heap {
665 2     2 1 4 my $self = shift;
666 2         9 return $self->[SE_NAMESPACE];
667             }
669             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
670             # Create an anonymous sub that, when called, posts an event back to a
671             # session. This maps postback references (stringified; blessing, and
672             # thus refcount, removed) to parent session IDs. Members are set when
673             # postbacks are created, and postbacks' DESTROY methods use it to
674             # perform the necessary cleanup when they go away. Thanks to njt for
675             # steering me right on this one.
677             my %anonevent_parent_id;
678             my %anonevent_weakened;
680             # I assume that when the postback owner loses all reference to it,
681             # they are done posting things back to us. That's when the postback's
682             # DESTROY is triggered, and referential integrity is maintained.
684             sub POE::Session::AnonEvent::DESTROY {
685 15     15   397 my $self = shift;
686 15         69 my $parent_id = delete $anonevent_parent_id{$self};
687 15 50       49 unless (delete $anonevent_weakened{$self}) {
688 15         61 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->refcount_decrement( $parent_id, 'anon_event' );
689             }
690             }
692             sub POE::Session::AnonEvent::weaken {
693 0     0   0 my $self = shift;
694 0 0       0 unless ($anonevent_weakened{$self}) {
695 0         0 my $parent_id = $anonevent_parent_id{$self};
696 0         0 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->refcount_decrement( $parent_id, 'anon_event' );
697 0         0 $anonevent_weakened{$self} = 1;
698             }
699 0         0 return $self;
700             }
702             # Tune postbacks depending on variations in toolkit behavior.
704             BEGIN {
705             # Tk blesses its callbacks internally, so we need to wrap our
706             # blessed callbacks in unblessed ones. Otherwise our postback's
707             # DESTROY method probably won't be called.
708 169 50   169   1074 if (exists $INC{''}) {
709 0         0 eval 'sub USING_TK () { 1 }';
710             }
711             else {
712 169         50616 eval 'sub USING_TK () { 0 }';
713             }
714             };
716             # Create a postback closure, maintaining referential integrity in the
717             # process. The next step is to give it to something that expects to
718             # be handed a callback.
720             sub postback {
721 7     7 1 53 my ($self, $event, @etc) = @_;
722 7         34 my $id = $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self);
724             my $postback = bless sub {
725 7     7   554 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->post( $id, $event, [ @etc ], [ @_ ] );
726 7         31 return 0;
727 7         377 }, 'POE::Session::AnonEvent';
729 7         51 $anonevent_parent_id{$postback} = $id;
730 7         29 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->refcount_increment( $id, 'anon_event' );
732             # Tk blesses its callbacks, so we must present one that isn't
733             # blessed. Otherwise Tk's blessing would divert our DESTROY call to
734             # its own, and that's not right.
736 7     0   7 return sub { $postback->(@_) } if USING_TK;
  0         0  
737 7         32 return $postback;
738             }
740             # Create a synchronous callback closure. The return value will be
741             # passed to whatever is handed the callback.
743             sub callback {
744 8     8 1 31 my ($self, $event, @etc) = @_;
745 8         32 my $id = $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->ID_session_to_id($self);
747             my $callback = bless sub {
748 8     8   778 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->call( $id, $event, [ @etc ], [ @_ ] );
749 8         69 }, 'POE::Session::AnonEvent';
751 8         37 $anonevent_parent_id{$callback} = $id;
752 8         32 $POE::Kernel::poe_kernel->refcount_increment( $id, 'anon_event' );
754             # Tk blesses its callbacks, so we must present one that isn't
755             # blessed. Otherwise Tk's blessing would divert our DESTROY call to
756             # its own, and that's not right.
758 8     0   13 return sub { $callback->(@_) } if USING_TK;
759 8         41 return $callback;
760             }
762             1;
764             __END__