File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 0 4 0.0
branch 0 8 0.0
condition n/a
subroutine n/a
pod n/a
total 0 12 0.0

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             #if defined(LEHMER) || defined(PRIMESIEVE_STANDALONE)
3             #include
4             #include
5             #include
6             #include
8             /*****************************************************************************
9             *
10             * Lehmer prime counting utility. Calculates pi(x), count of primes <= x.
11             *
12             * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Dana Jacobsen (
13             * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14             * the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
15             *
16             * This file is part of the Math::Prime::Util Perl module, but also can be
17             * compiled as a standalone UNIX program using primesieve 5.x.
18             *
19             * g++ -O3 -DPRIMESIEVE_STANDALONE lehmer.c -o prime_count -lprimesieve
20             *
21             * The phi(x,a) calculation is unique, to the best of my knowledge. It uses
22             * two lists of all x values + signed counts for the given 'a' value, and walks
23             * 'a' down until it is small enough to calculate directly using a table.
24             * This is relatively fast and low memory compared to many other solutions.
25             * As with all Lehmer-Meissel-Legendre algorithms, memory use will be a
26             * constraint with large values of x.
27             *
28             * Math::Prime::Util now includes an extended LMO implementation, which will
29             * be quite a bit faster and much less memory than this code. It is the
30             * default method for large counts. Timing comparisons are in that file.
31             *
32             * Times and memory use for prime_count(10^15) on a Haswell 4770K, asterisk
33             * indicates parallel operation. The standalone versions of my code use
34             * Kim Walisch's excellent primesieve, which is faster than my sieve.
35             * His Lehmer/Meissel/Legendre seem a bit slower in serial, but
36             * parallelize much better.
37             *
38             * 4.74s 1.3MB LMO
39             * 24.53s* 137.9MB Lehmer Walisch primecount v0.9, 8 threads
40             * 38.74s* 150.3MB LMOS Walisch primecount v0.9, 8 threads
41             * 42.52s* 159.4MB Lehmer standalone, 8 threads
42             * 42.82s* 137.9MB Meissel Walisch primecount v0.9, 8 threads
43             * 51.88s 153.9MB LMOS standalone, 1 thread
44             * 52.01s* 145.5MB Legendre Walisch primecount v0.9, 8 threads
45             * 64.96s 160.3MB Lehmer standalone, 1 thread
46             * 67.16s 67.0MB LMOS
47             * 80.42s 286.6MB Meissel
48             * 99.70s 159.6MB Lehmer
49             * 107.43s 28.5MB Lehmer Walisch primecount v0.9, 1 thread
50             * 174.51s 83.5MB Legendre
51             * 185.11s 25.6MB LMOS Walisch primecount v0.9, 1 thread
52             * 191.19s 24.8MB Meissel Walisch primecount v0.9, 1 thread
53             * 868.96s 1668.1MB Lehmer pix4 by T.R. Nicely
54             *
55             * Reference: Hans Riesel, "Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for
56             * Factorization", 2nd edition, 1994.
57             */
59             /* Below this size, just sieve (with table speedup). */
60             #define SIEVE_LIMIT 60000000
61             #define MAX_PHI_MEM (896*1024*1024)
63             static int const verbose = 0;
64             #define STAGE_TIMING 0
66             #if STAGE_TIMING
67             #include
68             #define DECLARE_TIMING_VARIABLES struct timeval t0, t1;
69             #define TIMING_START gettimeofday(&t0, 0);
70             #define TIMING_END_PRINT(text) \
71             { unsigned long long t; \
72             gettimeofday(&t1, 0); \
73             t = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec); \
74             printf("%s: %10.5f\n", text, ((double)t) / 1000000); }
75             #else
76             #define DECLARE_TIMING_VARIABLES
77             #define TIMING_START
78             #define TIMING_END_PRINT(text)
79             #endif
82             #ifdef PRIMESIEVE_STANDALONE
84             /* countPrimes can be pretty slow for small ranges, so sieve more small primes
85             * and count using binary search. Uses a lot of memory though. For big
86             * ranges, countPrimes is really fast. If you use primesieve 4.2, the
87             * crossover point is lower (better). */
88             #define SIEVE_MULT 10
90             /* Translations from Perl + Math::Prime::Util to C/C++ + primesieve */
91             typedef unsigned long UV;
92             typedef signed long IV;
93             #define UV_MAX ULONG_MAX
94             #define UVCONST(x) ((unsigned long)x##UL)
95             #define New(id, mem, size, type) mem = (type*) malloc((size)*sizeof(type))
96             #define Newz(id, mem, size, type) mem = (type*) calloc(size, sizeof(type))
97             #define Renew(mem, size, type) mem = (type*) realloc(mem,(size)*sizeof(type))
98             #define Safefree(mem) free((void*)mem)
99             #define croak(fmt,...) { printf(fmt,##__VA_ARGS__); exit(1); }
100             #define prime_precalc(n) /* */
101             #define BITS_PER_WORD ((ULONG_MAX <= 4294967295UL) ? 32 : 64)
103             static UV isqrt(UV n) {
104             UV root;
105             if (sizeof(UV)==8 && n >= UVCONST(18446744065119617025)) return 4294967295UL;
106             if (sizeof(UV)==4 && n >= 4294836225UL) return 65535UL;
107             root = (UV) sqrt((double)n);
108             while (root*root > n) root--;
109             while ((root+1)*(root+1) <= n) root++;
110             return root;
111             }
112             static UV icbrt(UV n) {
113             UV b, root = 0;
114             int s;
115             if (sizeof(UV) == 8) {
116             s = 63; if (n >= UVCONST(18446724184312856125)) return 2642245UL;
117             } else {
118             s = 30; if (n >= 4291015625UL) return 1625UL;
119             }
120             for ( ; s >= 0; s -= 3) {
121             root += root;
122             b = 3*root*(root+1)+1;
123             if ((n >> s) >= b) {
124             n -= b << s;
125             root++;
126             }
127             }
128             return root;
129             }
131             /* Use version 5.x of PrimeSieve */
132             #include
133             #include
134             #include
135             #include
136             #ifdef _OPENMP
137             #include
138             #endif
140             #define segment_prime_count(a, b) primesieve::parallel_count_primes(a, b)
142             /* Generate an array of n small primes, where the kth prime is element p[k].
143             * Remember to free when done. */
144             #define TINY_PRIME_SIZE 20000
145             static uint32_t* tiny_primes = 0;
146             static uint32_t* generate_small_primes(UV n)
147             {
148             uint32_t* primes;
149             New(0, primes, n+1, uint32_t);
150             if (n < TINY_PRIME_SIZE) {
151             if (tiny_primes == 0)
152             tiny_primes = generate_small_primes(TINY_PRIME_SIZE+1);
153             memcpy(primes, tiny_primes, (n+1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
154             return primes;
155             }
156             primes[0] = 0;
157             {
158             std::vector v;
159             primesieve::generate_n_primes(n, &v);
160             memcpy(primes+1, &v[0], n * sizeof(uint32_t));
161             }
162             return primes;
163             }
165             #else
167             /* We will use pre-sieving to speed up counting for small ranges */
168             #define SIEVE_MULT 1
170             #define FUNC_isqrt 1
171             #define FUNC_icbrt 1
172             #include "lehmer.h"
173             #include "util.h"
174             #include "cache.h"
175             #include "sieve.h"
176             #include "prime_nth_count.h"
178             /* Generate an array of n small primes, where the kth prime is element p[k].
179             * Remember to free when done. */
180             static uint32_t* generate_small_primes(UV n)
181             {
182             uint32_t* primes;
183             UV i = 0;
184             double fn = (double)n;
185             double flogn = log(fn);
186             double flog2n = log(flogn);
187             UV nth_prime = /* Dusart 2010 for > 179k, custom for 18-179k */
188             (n >= 688383) ? (UV) ceil(fn*(flogn+flog2n-1.0+((flog2n-2.00)/flogn))) :
189             (n >= 178974) ? (UV) ceil(fn*(flogn+flog2n-1.0+((flog2n-1.95)/flogn))) :
190             (n >= 18) ? (UV) ceil(fn*(flogn+flog2n-1.0+((flog2n+0.30)/flogn)))
191             : 59;
193             if (n > 203280221)
194             croak("generate small primes with argument too large: %lu\n", (unsigned long)n);
195             New(0, primes, n+1, uint32_t);
196             primes[0] = 0;
197             START_DO_FOR_EACH_PRIME(2, nth_prime) {
198             if (i >= n) break;
199             primes[++i] = p;
200             } END_DO_FOR_EACH_PRIME
201             if (i < n)
202             croak("Did not generate enough small primes.\n");
203             if (verbose > 1) printf("generated %lu small primes, from 2 to %lu\n", i, (unsigned long)primes[i]);
204             return primes;
205             }
206             #endif
209             /* Given an array of primes[1..lastprime], return Pi(n) where n <= lastprime.
210             * This is actually quite fast, and definitely faster than sieving. By using
211             * this we can avoid caching prime counts and also skip most calls to the
212             * segment siever.
213             */
214             static UV bs_prime_count(uint32_t n, uint32_t const* const primes, uint32_t lastidx)
215             {
216             UV i, j;
217             if (n <= 2) return (n == 2);
218             /* If n is out of range, we could:
219             * 1. return segment_prime_count(2, n);
220             * 2. if (n == primes[lastidx]) return lastidx else croak("bspc range");
221             * 3. if (n >= primes[lastidx]) return lastidx;
222             */
223             if (n >= primes[lastidx]) return lastidx;
224             j = lastidx;
225             if (n < 8480) {
226             i = 1 + (n>>4);
227             if (j > 1060) j = 1060;
228             } else if (n < 25875000) {
229             i = 793 + (n>>5);
230             if (j > (n>>3)) j = n>>3;
231             } else {
232             i = 1617183;
233             if (j > (n>>4)) j = n>>4;
234             }
235             while (i < j) {
236             UV mid = i + (j-i)/2;
237             if (primes[mid] <= n) i = mid+1;
238             else j = mid;
239             }
240             /* if (i-1 != segment_prime_count(2, n)) croak("wrong count for %lu: %lu vs. %lu\n", n, i-1, segment_prime_count(2, n)); */
241             return i-1;
242             }
244             #define FAST_DIV(x,y) \
245             ( ((x) <= 4294967295U) ? (uint32_t)(x)/(uint32_t)(y) : (x)/(y) )
247             /* static uint32_t sprime[] = {0,2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}; */
248             /* static uint32_t sprimorial[] = {1,2,6,30,210,2310,30030,510510}; */
249             /* static uint32_t stotient[] = {1,1,2, 8, 48, 480, 5760, 92160}; */
250             static const uint16_t _s0[ 1] = {0};
251             static const uint16_t _s1[ 2] = {0,1};
252             static const uint16_t _s2[ 6] = {0,1,1,1,1,2};
253             static const uint16_t _s3[30] = {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8};
254             static uint16_t _s4[210];
255             static uint16_t _s5[2310];
256             static uint16_t _s6[30030];
257             static const uint16_t* sphicache[7] = { _s0,_s1,_s2,_s3,_s4,_s5,_s6 };
258             static int sphi_init = 0;
260             #define PHIC 7
262             static UV tablephi(UV x, uint32_t a) {
263             switch (a) {
264             case 0: return x;
265             case 1: return x-x/2;
266             case 2: return x-x/2-x/3+x/6;
267             case 3: return (x/ 30U) * 8U + sphicache[3][x % 30U];
268             case 4: return (x/ 210U) * 48U + sphicache[4][x % 210U];
269             case 5: return (x/ 2310U) * 480U + sphicache[5][x % 2310U];
270             case 6: return (x/ 30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][x % 30030U];
271             #if PHIC >= 7
272             case 7: {
273             UV xp = x / 17U;
274             return ((x /30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][x % 30030U]) -
275             ((xp/30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][xp % 30030U]);
276             }
277             #endif
278             #if PHIC >= 8
279             case 8: {
280             UV xp = x / 17U;
281             UV x2 = x / 19U;
282             UV x2p = x2 / 17U;
283             return ((x /30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][x % 30030U]) -
284             ((xp /30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][xp % 30030U]) -
285             ((x2 /30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][x2 % 30030U]) +
286             ((x2p/30030U) * 5760U + sphicache[6][x2p% 30030U]);
287             }
288             #endif
289             default: croak("a %u too large for tablephi\n", a);
290             }
291             }
292             static void phitableinit(void) {
293             if (sphi_init == 0) {
294             int x;
295             for (x = 0; x < 210; x++)
296             _s4[x] = ((x/ 30)* 8+_s3[x% 30])-(((x/ 7)/ 30)* 8+_s3[(x/ 7)% 30]);
297             for (x = 0; x < 2310; x++)
298             _s5[x] = ((x/ 210)* 48+_s4[x% 210])-(((x/11)/ 210)* 48+_s4[(x/11)% 210]);
299             for (x = 0; x < 30030; x++)
300             _s6[x] = ((x/2310)*480+_s5[x%2310])-(((x/13)/2310)*480+_s5[(x/13)%2310]);
301             sphi_init = 1;
302             }
303             }
306             /* Max memory = 2*X*A bytes, e.g. 2*65536*256 = 32 MB */
307             #define PHICACHEA 512
308             #define PHICACHEX 65536
309             typedef struct
310             {
311             uint32_t max[PHICACHEA];
312             int16_t* val[PHICACHEA];
313             } cache_t;
314             static void phicache_init(cache_t* cache) {
315             int a;
316             for (a = 0; a < PHICACHEA; a++) {
317             cache->val[a] = 0;
318             cache->max[a] = 0;
319             }
320             phitableinit();
321             }
322             static void phicache_free(cache_t* cache) {
323             int a;
324             for (a = 0; a < PHICACHEA; a++) {
325             if (cache->val[a] != 0)
326             Safefree(cache->val[a]);
327             cache->val[a] = 0;
328             cache->max[a] = 0;
329             }
330             }
332             #define PHI_CACHE_POPULATED(x, a) \
333             ((a) < PHICACHEA && (UV) cache->max[a] > (x) && cache->val[a][x] != 0)
335             static void phi_cache_insert(uint32_t x, uint32_t a, IV sum, cache_t* cache) {
336             uint32_t cap = ( (x+32) >> 5) << 5;
337             /* If sum is too large for the cache, just ignore it. */
338             if (sum < SHRT_MIN || sum > SHRT_MAX) return;
339             if (cache->val[a] == 0) {
340             Newz(0, cache->val[a], cap, int16_t);
341             cache->max[a] = cap;
342             } else if (cache->max[a] < cap) {
343             uint32_t i;
344             Renew(cache->val[a], cap, int16_t);
345             for (i = cache->max[a]; i < cap; i++)
346             cache->val[a][i] = 0;
347             cache->max[a] = cap;
348             }
349             cache->val[a][x] = (int16_t) sum;
350             }
352             static IV _phi3(UV x, UV a, int sign, const uint32_t* const primes, const uint32_t lastidx, cache_t* cache)
353             {
354             IV sum;
355             if (a <= 1)
356             return sign * ((a == 0) ? x : x-x/2);
357             else if (PHI_CACHE_POPULATED(x, a))
358             return sign * cache->val[a][x];
359             else if (a <= PHIC)
360             sum = sign * tablephi(x,a);
361             else if (x < primes[a+1])
362             sum = sign;
363             else if (x <= primes[lastidx] && x < primes[a+1]*primes[a+1])
364             sum = sign * (bs_prime_count(x, primes, lastidx) - a + 1);
365             else {
366             UV a2, iters = (a*a > x) ? bs_prime_count( isqrt(x), primes, a) : a;
367             UV c = (iters > PHIC) ? PHIC : iters;
368             IV phixc = PHI_CACHE_POPULATED(x, c) ? cache->val[c][x] : (IV)tablephi(x,c);
369             sum = sign * (iters - a + phixc);
370             for (a2 = c+1; a2 <= iters; a2++)
371             sum += _phi3(FAST_DIV(x,primes[a2]), a2-1, -sign, primes, lastidx, cache);
372             }
373             if (a < PHICACHEA && x < PHICACHEX)
374             phi_cache_insert(x, a, sign * sum, cache);
375             return sum;
376             }
377             #define phi_small(x, a, primes, lastidx, cache) _phi3(x, a, 1, primes, lastidx, cache)
379             /******************************************************************************/
380             /* In-order lists for manipulating our UV value / IV count pairs */
381             /******************************************************************************/
383             typedef struct {
384             UV v;
385             IV c;
386             } vc_t;
388             typedef struct {
389             vc_t* a;
390             UV size;
391             UV n;
392             } vcarray_t;
394             static vcarray_t vcarray_create(void)
395             {
396             vcarray_t l;
397             l.a = 0;
398             l.size = 0;
399             l.n = 0;
400             return l;
401             }
402             static void vcarray_destroy(vcarray_t* l)
403             {
404             if (l->a != 0) {
405             if (verbose > 2) printf("FREE list %p\n", l->a);
406             Safefree(l->a);
407             }
408             l->size = 0;
409             l->n = 0;
410             }
411             /* Insert a value/count pair. We do this indirection because about 80% of
412             * the calls result in a merge with the previous entry. */
413             static void vcarray_insert(vcarray_t* l, UV val, IV count)
414             {
415             UV n = l->n;
416             if (n > 0 && l->a[n-1].v < val)
417             croak("Previous value was %lu, inserting %lu out of order\n", l->a[n-1].v, val);
418             if (n >= l->size) {
419             UV new_size;
420             if (l->size == 0) {
421             new_size = 20000;
422             if (verbose>2) printf("ALLOCing list, size %lu (%luk)\n", new_size, new_size*sizeof(vc_t)/1024);
423             New(0, l->a, new_size, vc_t);
424             } else {
425             new_size = (UV) (1.5 * l->size);
426             if (verbose>2) printf("REALLOCing list %p, new size %lu (%luk)\n",l->a,new_size, new_size*sizeof(vc_t)/1024);
427             Renew( l->a, new_size, vc_t );
428             }
429             l->size = new_size;
430             }
431             /* printf(" inserting %lu %ld\n", val, count); */
432             l->a[n].v = val;
433             l->a[n].c = count;
434             l->n++;
435             }
437             /* Merge the two sorted lists A and B into A. Each list has no duplicates,
438             * but they may have duplications between the two. We're quite interested
439             * in saving memory, so first remove all the duplicates, then do an in-place
440             * merge. */
441             static void vcarray_merge(vcarray_t* a, vcarray_t* b)
442             {
443             long ai, bi, bj, k, kn;
444             long an = a->n;
445             long bn = b->n;
446             vc_t* aa = a->a;
447             vc_t* ba = b->a;
449             /* Merge anything in B that appears in A. */
450             for (ai = 0, bi = 0, bj = 0; bi < bn; bi++) {
451             UV bval = ba[bi].v;
452             /* Skip forward in A until empty or aa[ai].v <= ba[bi].v */
453             while (ai+8 < an && aa[ai+8].v > bval) ai += 8;
454             while (ai < an && aa[ai ].v > bval) ai++;
455             /* if A empty then copy the remaining elements */
456             if (ai >= an) {
457             if (bi == bj)
458             bj = bn;
459             else
460             while (bi < bn)
461             ba[bj++] = ba[bi++];
462             break;
463             }
464             if (aa[ai].v == bval)
465             aa[ai].c += ba[bi].c;
466             else
467             ba[bj++] = ba[bi];
468             }
469             if (verbose>3) printf(" removed %lu duplicates from b\n", bn - bj);
470             bn = bj;
472             if (bn == 0) { /* In case they were all duplicates */
473             b->n = 0;
474             return;
475             }
477             /* kn = the final merged size. All duplicates are gone, so this is exact. */
478             kn = an+bn;
479             if ((long)a->size < kn) { /* Make A big enough to hold kn elements */
480             UV new_size = (UV) (1.2 * kn);
481             if (verbose>2) printf("REALLOCing list %p, new size %lu (%luk)\n", a->a, new_size, new_size*sizeof(vc_t)/1024);
482             Renew( a->a, new_size, vc_t );
483             aa = a->a; /* this could have been changed by the realloc */
484             a->size = new_size;
485             }
487             /* merge A and B. Very simple using reverse merge. */
488             ai = an-1;
489             bi = bn-1;
490             for (k = kn-1; k >= 0 && bi >= 0; k--) {
491             UV bval = ba[bi].v;
492             long startai = ai;
493             while (ai >= 15 && aa[ai-15].v < bval) ai -= 16;
494             while (ai >= 3 && aa[ai- 3].v < bval) ai -= 4;
495             while (ai >= 0 && aa[ai ].v < bval) ai--;
496             if (startai > ai) {
497             k = k - (startai - ai) + 1;
498             memmove(aa+k, aa+ai+1, (startai-ai) * sizeof(vc_t));
499             } else {
500             if (ai >= 0 && aa[ai].v == bval) croak("deduplication error");
501             aa[k] = ba[bi--];
502             }
503             }
504             a->n = kn; /* A now has this many items */
505             b->n = 0; /* B is marked empty */
506             }
508             static void vcarray_remove_zeros(vcarray_t* a)
509             {
510             long ai = 0;
511             long aj = 0;
512             long an = a->n;
513             vc_t* aa = a->a;
515             while (aj < an) {
516             if (aa[aj].c != 0) {
517             if (ai != aj)
518             aa[ai] = aa[aj];
519             ai++;
520             }
521             aj++;
522             }
523             a->n = ai;
524             }
527             /*
528             * The main phi(x,a) algorithm. In this implementation, it takes under 10%
529             * of the total time for the Lehmer algorithm, but is a big memory consumer.
530             */
531             #define NTHRESH (MAX_PHI_MEM/16)
533             static UV phi(UV x, UV a)
534             {
535             UV i, val, sval, lastidx, lastprime;
536             UV sum = 0;
537             IV count;
538             const uint32_t* primes;
539             vcarray_t a1, a2;
540             vc_t* arr;
541             cache_t pcache; /* Cache for recursive phi */
543             phitableinit();
544             if (a == 1) return ((x+1)/2);
545             if (a <= PHIC) return tablephi(x, a);
547             lastidx = a+1;
548             primes = generate_small_primes(lastidx);
549             lastprime = primes[lastidx];
550             if (x < lastprime) { Safefree(primes); return (x > 0) ? 1 : 0; }
551             phicache_init(&pcache);
553             a1 = vcarray_create();
554             a2 = vcarray_create();
555             vcarray_insert(&a1, x, 1);
557             while (a > PHIC) {
558             UV primea = primes[a];
559             UV sval_last = 0;
560             IV sval_count = 0;
561             arr = a1.a;
562             for (i = 0; i < a1.n; i++) {
563             count = arr[i].c;
564             val = arr[i].v;
565             sval = FAST_DIV(val, primea);
566             if (sval < primea) break; /* stop inserting into a2 if small */
567             if (sval != sval_last) { /* non-merged value. Insert into a2 */
568             if (sval_last != 0) {
569             if (sval_last <= lastprime && sval_last < primes[a-1]*primes[a-1])
570             sum += sval_count*(bs_prime_count(sval_last,primes,lastidx)-a+2);
571             else
572             vcarray_insert(&a2, sval_last, sval_count);
573             }
574             sval_last = sval;
575             sval_count = 0;
576             }
577             sval_count -= count; /* Accumulate count for this sval */
578             }
579             if (sval_last != 0) { /* Insert the last sval */
580             if (sval_last <= lastprime && sval_last < primes[a-1]*primes[a-1])
581             sum += sval_count*(bs_prime_count(sval_last,primes,lastidx)-a+2);
582             else
583             vcarray_insert(&a2, sval_last, sval_count);
584             }
585             /* For each small sval, add up the counts */
586             for ( ; i < a1.n; i++)
587             sum -= arr[i].c;
588             /* Merge a1 and a2 into a1. a2 will be emptied. */
589             vcarray_merge(&a1, &a2);
590             /* If we've grown too large, use recursive phi to clip. */
591             if ( a1.n > NTHRESH ) {
592             arr = a1.a;
593             if (verbose > 0) printf("clipping small values at a=%lu a1.n=%lu \n", a, a1.n);
594             #ifdef _OPENMP
595             /* #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum) firstprivate(pcache) schedule(dynamic, 16) */
596             #endif
597             for (i = 0; i < a1.n-NTHRESH+NTHRESH/50; i++) {
598             UV j = a1.n - 1 - i;
599             IV count = arr[j].c;
600             if (count != 0) {
601             sum += count * phi_small( arr[j].v, a-1, primes, lastidx, &pcache );
602             arr[j].c = 0;
603             }
604             }
605             }
606             vcarray_remove_zeros(&a1);
607             a--;
608             }
609             phicache_free(&pcache);
610             vcarray_destroy(&a2);
611             arr = a1.a;
612             #ifdef _OPENMP
613             #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum) schedule(dynamic, 16)
614             #endif
615             for (i = 0; i < a1.n; i++)
616             sum += arr[i].c * tablephi( arr[i].v, PHIC );
617             vcarray_destroy(&a1);
618             Safefree(primes);
619             return (UV) sum;
620             }
623             extern UV meissel_prime_count(UV n);
624             /* b = prime_count(isqrt(n)) */
625             static UV Pk_2_p(UV n, UV a, UV b, const uint32_t* primes, uint32_t lastidx)
626             {
627             UV lastw, lastwpc, i, P2;
628             UV lastpc = primes[lastidx];
630             /* Ensure we have a large enough base sieve */
631             prime_precalc(isqrt(n / primes[a+1]));
633             P2 = lastw = lastwpc = 0;
634             for (i = b; i > a; i--) {
635             UV w = n / primes[i];
636             lastwpc = (w <= lastpc) ? bs_prime_count(w, primes, lastidx)
637             : lastwpc + segment_prime_count(lastw+1, w);
638             lastw = w;
639             P2 += lastwpc;
640             }
641             P2 -= ((b+a-2) * (b-a+1) / 2) - a + 1;
642             return P2;
643             }
644             static UV Pk_2(UV n, UV a, UV b)
645             {
646             UV lastprime = ((b*3+1) > 203280221) ? 203280221 : b*3+1;
647             const uint32_t* primes = generate_small_primes(lastprime);
648             UV P2 = Pk_2_p(n, a, b, primes, lastprime);
649             Safefree(primes);
650             return P2;
651             }
654             /* Legendre's method. Interesting and a good test for phi(x,a), but Lehmer's
655             * method is much faster (Legendre: a = pi(n^.5), Lehmer: a = pi(n^.25)) */
656             UV legendre_prime_count(UV n)
657             {
658             UV a, phina;
659             if (n < SIEVE_LIMIT)
660             return segment_prime_count(2, n);
662             a = legendre_prime_count(isqrt(n));
663             /* phina = phi(n, a); */
664             { /* The small phi routine is faster for large a */
665             cache_t pcache;
666             const uint32_t* primes = 0;
667             primes = generate_small_primes(a+1);
668             phicache_init(&pcache);
669             phina = phi_small(n, a, primes, a+1, &pcache);
670             phicache_free(&pcache);
671             Safefree(primes);
672             }
673             return phina + a - 1;
674             }
677             /* Meissel's method. */
678             UV meissel_prime_count(UV n)
679             {
680             UV a, b, sum;
681             if (n < SIEVE_LIMIT)
682             return segment_prime_count(2, n);
684             a = meissel_prime_count(icbrt(n)); /* a = Pi(floor(n^1/3)) [max 192725] */
685             b = meissel_prime_count(isqrt(n)); /* b = Pi(floor(n^1/2)) [max 203280221] */
687             sum = phi(n, a) + a - 1 - Pk_2(n, a, b);
688             return sum;
689             }
691             /* Lehmer's method. This is basically Riesel's Lehmer function (page 22),
692             * with some additional code to help optimize it. */
693             UV lehmer_prime_count(UV n)
694             {
695             UV z, a, b, c, sum, i, j, lastprime, lastpc, lastw, lastwpc;
696             const uint32_t* primes = 0; /* small prime cache, first b=pi(z)=pi(sqrt(n)) */
699             if (n < SIEVE_LIMIT)
700             return segment_prime_count(2, n);
702             /* Protect against overflow. 2^32-1 and 2^64-1 are both divisible by 3. */
703             if (n == UV_MAX) {
704             if ( (n%3) == 0 || (n%5) == 0 || (n%7) == 0 || (n%31) == 0 )
705             n--;
706             else
707             return segment_prime_count(2,n);
708             }
710             if (verbose > 0) printf("lehmer %lu stage 1: calculate a,b,c \n", n);
711             TIMING_START;
712             z = isqrt(n);
713             a = lehmer_prime_count(isqrt(z)); /* a = Pi(floor(n^1/4)) [max 6542] */
714             b = lehmer_prime_count(z); /* b = Pi(floor(n^1/2)) [max 203280221] */
715             c = lehmer_prime_count(icbrt(n)); /* c = Pi(floor(n^1/3)) [max 192725] */
716             TIMING_END_PRINT("stage 1")
718             if (verbose > 0) printf("lehmer %lu stage 2: phi(x,a) (z=%lu a=%lu b=%lu c=%lu)\n", n, z, a, b, c);
719             TIMING_START;
720             sum = phi(n, a) + ((b+a-2) * (b-a+1) / 2);
721             TIMING_END_PRINT("phi(x,a)")
723             /* We get an array of the first b primes. This is used in stage 4. If we
724             * get more than necessary, we can use them to speed up some.
725             */
726             lastprime = b*SIEVE_MULT+1;
727             if (lastprime > 203280221) lastprime = 203280221;
728             if (verbose > 0) printf("lehmer %lu stage 3: %lu small primes\n", n, lastprime);
729             TIMING_START;
730             primes = generate_small_primes(lastprime);
731             lastpc = primes[lastprime];
732             TIMING_END_PRINT("small primes")
734             TIMING_START;
735             /* Speed up all the prime counts by doing a big base sieve */
736             prime_precalc( (UV) pow(n, 3.0/5.0) );
737             /* Ensure we have the base sieve for big prime_count ( n/primes[i] ). */
738             /* This is about 75k for n=10^13, 421k for n=10^15, 2.4M for n=10^17 */
739             prime_precalc(isqrt(n / primes[a+1]));
740             TIMING_END_PRINT("sieve precalc")
742             if (verbose > 0) printf("lehmer %lu stage 4: loop %lu to %lu, pc to %lu\n", n, a+1, b, n/primes[a+1]);
743             TIMING_START;
744             /* Reverse the i loop so w increases. Count w in segments. */
745             lastw = 0;
746             lastwpc = 0;
747             for (i = b; i >= a+1; i--) {
748             UV w = n / primes[i];
749             lastwpc = (w <= lastpc) ? bs_prime_count(w, primes, lastprime)
750             : lastwpc + segment_prime_count(lastw+1, w);
751             lastw = w;
752             sum = sum - lastwpc;
753             if (i <= c) {
754             UV bi = bs_prime_count( isqrt(w), primes, lastprime );
755             for (j = i; j <= bi; j++) {
756             sum = sum - bs_prime_count(w / primes[j], primes, lastprime) + j - 1;
757             }
758             /* We could wrap the +j-1 in: sum += ((bi+1-i)*(bi+i))/2 - (bi-i+1); */
759             }
760             }
761             TIMING_END_PRINT("stage 4")
762             Safefree(primes);
763             return sum;
764             }
767             /* The Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko method.
768             * Naive implementation without optimizations.
769             * About the same speed as Lehmer, a bit less memory.
770             * A better implementation can be 10-50x faster and much less memory.
771             */
772             UV LMOS_prime_count(UV n)
773             {
774             UV n13, a, b, sum, i, j, k, lastprime, P2, S1, S2;
775             const uint32_t* primes = 0; /* small prime cache */
776             signed char* mu = 0; /* moebius to n^1/3 */
777             uint32_t* lpf = 0; /* least prime factor to n^1/3 */
778             cache_t pcache; /* Cache for recursive phi */
781             if (n < SIEVE_LIMIT)
782             return segment_prime_count(2, n);
784             n13 = icbrt(n); /* n13 = floor(n^1/3) [max 2642245] */
785             a = lehmer_prime_count(n13); /* a = Pi(floor(n^1/3)) [max 192725] */
786             b = lehmer_prime_count(isqrt(n)); /* b = Pi(floor(n^1/2)) [max 203280221] */
788             lastprime = b*SIEVE_MULT+1;
789             if (lastprime > 203280221) lastprime = 203280221;
790             if (lastprime < n13) lastprime = n13;
791             primes = generate_small_primes(lastprime);
793             New(0, mu, n13+1, signed char);
794             memset(mu, 1, sizeof(signed char) * (n13+1));
795             Newz(0, lpf, n13+1, uint32_t);
796             mu[0] = 0;
797             for (i = 1; i <= n13; i++) {
798             UV primei = primes[i];
799             for (j = primei; j <= n13; j += primei) {
800             mu[j] = -mu[j];
801             if (lpf[j] == 0) lpf[j] = primei;
802             }
803             k = primei * primei;
804             for (j = k; j <= n13; j += k)
805             mu[j] = 0;
806             }
807             lpf[1] = UVCONST(4294967295); /* Set lpf[1] to max */
809             /* Remove mu[i] == 0 using lpf */
810             for (i = 1; i <= n13; i++)
811             if (mu[i] == 0)
812             lpf[i] = 0;
814             /* Thanks to Kim Walisch for help with the S1+S2 calculations. */
815             k = (a < 7) ? a : 7;
816             S1 = 0;
817             S2 = 0;
818             phicache_init(&pcache);
819             TIMING_START;
820             for (i = 1; i <= n13; i++)
821             if (lpf[i] > primes[k])
822             /* S1 += mu[i] * phi_small(n/i, k, primes, lastprime, &pcache); */
823             S1 += mu[i] * phi(n/i, k);
824             TIMING_END_PRINT("S1")
826             TIMING_START;
827             for (i = k; i+1 < a; i++) {
828             uint32_t p = primes[i+1];
829             /* TODO: #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: S2) firstprivate(pcache) schedule(dynamic, 16) */
830             for (j = (n13/p)+1; j <= n13; j++)
831             if (lpf[j] > p)
832             S2 += -mu[j] * phi_small(n / (j*p), i, primes, lastprime, &pcache);
833             }
834             TIMING_END_PRINT("S2")
835             phicache_free(&pcache);
836             Safefree(lpf);
837             Safefree(mu);
839             TIMING_START;
840             prime_precalc( (UV) pow(n, 2.9/5.0) );
841             P2 = Pk_2_p(n, a, b, primes, lastprime);
842             TIMING_END_PRINT("P2")
843             Safefree(primes);
845             /* printf("S1 = %lu\nS2 = %lu\na = %lu\nP2 = %lu\n", S1, S2, a, P2); */
846             sum = (S1 + S2) + a - 1 - P2;
847             return sum;
848             }
850             #ifdef PRIMESIEVE_STANDALONE
851             int main(int argc, char *argv[])
852             {
853             UV n, pi;
854             double t;
855             const char* method;
856             struct timeval t0, t1;
858             if (argc <= 1) { printf("usage: %s []\n", argv[0]); return(1); }
859             n = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 10);
860             if (n < 2) { printf("Pi(%lu) = 0\n", n); return(0); }
862             if (argc > 2)
863             method = argv[2];
864             else
865             method = "lehmer";
867             gettimeofday(&t0, 0);
869             if (!strcasecmp(method, "lehmer")) { pi = lehmer_prime_count(n); }
870             else if (!strcasecmp(method, "meissel")) { pi = meissel_prime_count(n); }
871             else if (!strcasecmp(method, "legendre")) { pi = legendre_prime_count(n); }
872             else if (!strcasecmp(method, "lmo")) { pi = LMOS_prime_count(n); }
873             else if (!strcasecmp(method, "sieve")) { pi = segment_prime_count(2, n); }
874             else {
875             printf("method must be one of: lehmer, meissel, legendre, lmo, or sieve\n");
876             return(2);
877             }
878             gettimeofday(&t1, 0);
879             t = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec); t *= 1000000.0; t += (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec);
880             printf("%8s Pi(%lu) = %lu in %10.5fs\n", method, n, pi, t / 1000000.0);
881             return(0);
882             }
883             #endif
885             #else
887             #include "lehmer.h"
888 0 0         UV LMOS_prime_count(UV n) { if (n!=0) croak("Not compiled with Lehmer support"); return 0;}
889 0 0         UV lehmer_prime_count(UV n) { if (n!=0) croak("Not compiled with Lehmer support"); return 0;}
890 0 0         UV meissel_prime_count(UV n) { if (n!=0) croak("Not compiled with Lehmer support"); return 0;}
891 0 0         UV legendre_prime_count(UV n) { if (n!=0) croak("Not compiled with Lehmer support"); return 0;}
893             #endif