File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 9 177 5.0
branch 0 60 0.0
condition 0 25 0.0
subroutine 3 13 23.0
pod 6 10 60.0
total 18 285 6.3

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Mail::Convert::Mbox::ToEml;
3 1     1   6918 use 5.006;
  1         7  
  1         46  
4 1     1   7 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         38  
5 1     1   6 use warnings;
  1         8  
  1         2237  
7             our $VERSION = '0.06';
9             sub new {
10 0     0 1   my $class = shift;
11 0   0       my $self = {
12             InFile => shift || undef,
13             OutDir => shift || undef,
14             isError => 0,
15             Error => undef
16             };
17 0           bless $self, $class;
18 0 0 0       if (!$self->{InFile} || !$self->{OutDir}) { return; }
19 0 0         if (!-e $self->{InFile}) { print "file does not exist!\n"; return; }
20 0 0         if (!-d $self->{OutDir}) {
21 0           print "output directory is not a directory!\n";
22 0           return;
23             }
24 0 0         if (!-e $self->{OutDir}) {
25 0           print "output directory does not exist!\n";
26 0           return;
27             }
29 0           return $self;
31             }
33             sub CreateEML {
34 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
35 0   0       my $infile = shift || $self->{InFile};
36 0   0       my $outDir = shift || $self->{OutDir};
37 0 0         if ($infile) {
38 0           $self->{InFile} = $infile;
39 0 0         if (!-e $self->{InFile}) { print "file does not exist!\n"; return; }
40             }
41 0 0         if ($outDir) {
42 0           $self->{OutDir} = $outDir;
43 0 0         if (!-d $self->{OutDir}) {
44 0           print "output directory is not a directory!\n";
45 0           return;
46             }
47 0 0         if (!-e $self->{OutDir}) {
48 0           print "output directory does not exist!\n";
49 0           return;
50             }
51             }
53 0           $self->Parse();
54 0           return 1;
55             }
57             sub GetMessageCount {
58 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
59 0 0         if ($self->{MessageCount}) { return $self->{MessageCount}; }
60 0           else { return; }
61             }
63             sub GetMessages {
64 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
65 0   0       my $infile = shift || $self->{InFile};
66 0           my @subjectList = ();
67 0           my $x0d = chr(hex('0x0d'));
68 0 0         if (open(FH, $infile)) {
69 0           my $count = 0;
70 0           while () {
71 0 0         if ($_ =~ /^subject:/i) {
73 0           my $tmp = (split(/^subject:/i, $_))[1];
74 0           chomp $tmp;
75 0           $tmp =~ s/^\s+//;
76 0           $tmp =~ s/$x0d$//i;
77 0           push(@subjectList, $tmp);
78 0           $count++;
79             }
81             }
82 0           $self->{MessageCount} = $count;
83 0           return @subjectList;
84             } else {
85 0           $self->{Error} = "No messages found!\n";
86 0           return;
87             }
88             }
90             sub SetFileAndDir {
91 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
92 0           $self->{InFile} = shift;
93 0           $self->{OutDir} = shift;
94 0 0         if (!-e $self->{InFile}) { print "file does not exist!\n"; return; }
95 0 0         if (!-d $self->{OutDir}) {
96 0           print "output directory is not a directory!\n";
97 0           return;
98             }
99 0 0         if (!-e $self->{OutDir}) {
100 0           print "output directory does not exist!\n";
101 0           return;
102             }
103 0           return 1;
104             }
106             sub FindMessage {
107 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
108 0           my $what = shift;
109 0   0       my $infile = shift || $self->{InFile};
110 0           my $count = 0;
111 0           my $scount = 0;
112 0           my %h;
113 0           my @subjectlist = $self->GetMessages($infile);
114 0 0         if (!@subjectlist) { return; }
116 0           foreach (@subjectlist) {
117 0 0         if (lc($_) =~ /$what/i) {
118 0           $h{$scount} = { MSG => $_, MSGNUM => $count };
120             #$h{MSGNUM}=;
121 0           $scount++;
122             }
123 0           $count++;
124             }
125 0 0         if (%h) { return %h; }
126 0           else { $self->{Error} = "Message(s) not found!\n"; return; }
127             }
129             sub Parse {
130 0     0 0   my $self = shift;
131 0           my @currmail = ();
132 0           my $counter = 0;
133 0           my $mailcounter = 1;
134 0           open(FH, $self->{InFile});
135 0           binmode FH;
136 0           while () {
137 0 0         if ($_ !~ /^From -/) {
138 0           $currmail[$counter] = $_;
139 0           $counter++;
140             } else {
142 0 0         if (@currmail) {
143 0           $self->WriteToFile($mailcounter, \@currmail);
144 0           $counter = 0;
145 0           $mailcounter++;
146 0           undef @currmail;
147             }
148             }
149             }
150 0 0         $self->WriteToFile($mailcounter, \@currmail) if @currmail;
151 0           close FH;
152 0           return 1;
153             }
155             # The subject will be used to generate the file name
156             sub WriteToFile {
157 0     0 0   my $self = shift;
158 0           my $mailcount = shift;
159 0           my $tmp = shift;
160 0           my @mail = @{$tmp};
161 0           my $subject;
162 0           my $x0d = chr(hex('0x0d'));
163 0           my @temp = grep(/subject:/i, @mail);
164 0 0         if (@temp != 0) {
165 0           $subject = (split(/subject:/i, $temp[0]))[1];
167 0           chomp $subject;
169             # remove characters which can not be used in a file name
170 0           $subject =~ s/^\s+//;
171 0           $subject =~ s/\"//g;
172 0           $subject =~ s/\// /g;
173 0           $subject =~ s/\/\//_/g;
174 0           $subject =~ s/\\/_/g;
175 0           $subject =~ s/:/_/g;
176 0           $subject =~ s/'//g;
177 0           $subject =~ s/\?//g;
178 0           $subject =~ s/\
179 0           $subject =~ s/\>//g;
180 0           $subject =~ s/\|//g;
181 0           $subject =~ s/\*//g;
182 0           $subject =~ s/$x0d$//i;
184             } else {
185 0           $subject = "No Subject";
186             }
187 0           @mail = $self->checkLines(\@mail);
188 0           my $file
189             = $self->{OutDir} . "/"
190             . $subject . "_"
191             . $mailcount . "_"
192             . GetCurrentTime() . ".eml";
193 0           print "writeing | $subject | to file\n";
194 0 0         if (open(FHOUT, ">$file")) {
195 0           binmode FHOUT;
196 0           print FHOUT @mail;
197 0           close FHOUT;
198 0           return 1;
199             } else {
200 0           print "can not open $file for writeing! $!\n";
201 0           return;
202             }
203             }
205             # function to check if there are EOF characters and if the from: is correct
206             # EOF characters are removed.
207             sub checkLines {
208 0     0 0   my $self = shift;
209 0           my $tmp = shift;
210 0           my @newmail = ();
211 0           my $count = 0;
212 0           my @mail = @{$tmp};
213 0           my $attachment = 0;
214 0           my $attach = "Content-Type: application";
215 0           my $attach1 = "Content-Disposition: attachment";
216 0           my $EOF = chr(hex('0x1A'));
217 0           my $ToVal;
218 0           my @TVal = grep /^To:/i, @mail;
220 0 0         if ($TVal[0]) {
221 0           $ToVal = (split(/:/, $TVal[0]))[1];
222 0           $ToVal =~ s/^\s+//;
223             }
225 0           foreach (@mail) {
226 0 0         if ($_ =~ /^from:/i) {
227 0           $tmp = (split(/from:/i, $_))[1]
228             ; # correct the From: line, insert the mail address in To:
229 0 0         if (length($tmp) <= 2) {
230 0 0         $_ = "From: " . $ToVal if $ToVal;
231             }
232 0 0 0       if ($_ =~ /^>from/i || $_ =~ /^>from:/i) # correct the From: line
233             {
234 0           $_ = substr($_, 1, length($_) - 1);
235             }
236             }
237 0 0 0       if ($_ =~ /^$attach/ || $_ =~ /^$attach1/) { $attachment = 1; }
238 0 0         $_ =~ s/$EOF//g if $attachment == 1; # removes EOF's in the line
239 0           push(@newmail, $_);
240 0           $count++;
241             }
242 0           return @newmail;
243             }
245             sub GetCurrentTime {
247             #my $self=shift;
248 0     0 0   return time;
249             }
251             1;
252             __END__