File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 149 177 84.1
branch 37 64 57.8
condition 3 6 50.0
subroutine 25 34 73.5
pod 7 21 33.3
total 221 302 73.1

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1 2     2   1195 use strict;
  2         2  
  2         47  
2 2     2   6 use warnings;
  2         2  
  2         65  
4             package Catalyst::View::Template::Pure;
6 2     2   7 use Scalar::Util qw/blessed refaddr weaken/;
  2         2  
  2         94  
7 2     2   8 use Catalyst::Utils;
  2         2  
  2         31  
8 2     2   7 use HTTP::Status ();
  2         2  
  2         18  
9 2     2   6 use File::Spec;
  2         2  
  2         27  
10 2     2   6 use Mojo::DOM58;
  2         1  
  2         30  
11 2     2   814 use Template::Pure::ParseUtils;
  2         2314  
  2         54  
12 2     2   708 use Template::Pure::DataContext;
  2         2748  
  2         45  
14 2     2   9 use base 'Catalyst::View';
  2         2  
  2         733  
16             our $VERSION = '0.017';
18             sub COMPONENT {
19 4     4 1 445161 my ($class, $app, $args) = @_;
20 4         10 $args = $class->merge_config_hashes($class->config, $args);
21 4 50       292 $args = $class->modify_init_args($app, $args) if $class->can('modify_init_args');
22 4         21 $class->inject_http_status_helpers($args);
23 4         18 $class->load_auto_template($app, $args);
24 4         26 $class->find_fields;
26 4         12 return bless $args, $class;
27             }
29             my @fields;
30             sub find_fields {
31 4     4 0 5 my $class = shift;
32 4         20 for ($class->meta->get_all_attributes) {
33 14 50       388 next unless $_->has_init_arg;
34 14         58 push @fields, $_->init_arg;
35             }
36             }
38             sub load_auto_template {
39 4     4 0 6 my ($class, $app, $args) = @_;
40 4         13 my @parts = split("::", $class);
41 4         7 my $filename = lc(pop @parts);
43 4 100       11 if(delete $args->{auto_template_src}) {
44 2         10 my $file = $app->path_to('lib', @parts, $filename.'.html');
45 2         519 my $contents = $file->slurp;
46 2         337 my $dom = Mojo::DOM58->new($contents);
47 2 100       1028 if(my $node = $dom->at('pure-component')) {
48 1 50       115 if(my $script_node = $node->at('script')) {
49 1         121 $class->config(script => "$script_node");
50 1         109 $script_node->remove('script');
51             }
52 1 50       137 if(my $style_node = $node->at('style')) {
53 1         107 $class->config(style => "$style_node");
54 1         91 $style_node->remove('style');
55             }
56 1         102 $contents = $node->content;
57             }
58 2         459 $class->config(template => $contents);
59             }
60 4 50       151 if(delete $args->{auto_script_src}) {
61 0         0 my $file = $app->path_to('lib', @parts, $filename.'.js');
62 0         0 $class->config(script => $file->slurp);
63             }
64 4 50       13 if(delete $args->{auto_style_src}) {
65 0         0 my $file = $app->path_to('lib', @parts, $filename.'.css');
66 0         0 $class->config(style => $file->slurp);
67             }
68             }
70             sub inject_http_status_helpers {
71 4     4 0 6 my ($class, $args) = @_;
72 4 100       13 return unless $args->{returns_status};
73 2         6 foreach my $helper( grep { $_=~/^http/i} @HTTP::Status::EXPORT_OK) {
  122         123  
74 118         78 my $subname = lc $helper;
75 118         177 my $code = HTTP::Status->$helper;
76 118         83 my $codename = "http_".$code;
77 118 50       68 if(grep { $code == $_ } @{ $args->{returns_status}||[]}) {
  118 100       189  
  118         155  
78 2     2 0 4 eval "sub ${\$class}::${\$subname} { return shift->response(HTTP::Status::$helper,\@_) }";
  2         7  
  2         187  
  2         163  
79 2     0 0 5 eval "sub ${\$class}::${\$codename} { return shift->response(HTTP::Status::$helper,\@_) }";
  2         6  
  2         75  
  0         0  
80             }
81             }
82             }
84             sub ACCEPT_CONTEXT {
85 7     7 1 176660 my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;
86 7 50       27 die "Can't call in Application context" unless blessed $c;
88 7 50       22 my $proto = (scalar(@args) % 2) ? shift(@args) : undef;
89 7         18 my %args = @args;
91 7 50       26 my $key = blessed($self) ? refaddr($self) : $self;
92 7         12 my $stash_key = "__Pure_${key}";
93 7 100       18 delete $c->stash->{$stash_key} if delete($args{clear_stash});
95 7         125 weaken $c;
96 7   66     16 $c->stash->{$stash_key} ||= do {
98 5 50       252 if($proto) {
99 0         0 foreach my $field (@fields) {
100 0 0       0 if(ref $proto eq 'HASH') {
101 0 0       0 $args{$field} = $proto->{$field} if exists $proto->{$field};
102             } else {
103 0 0       0 if(my $cb = $proto->can($field)) {
104 0         0 $args{$field} = $proto->$field;
105             }
106             }
107             }
108             }
110 5         16 my $args = $self->merge_config_hashes($self->config, \%args);
111 5 50       437 $args = $self->modify_context_args($c, $args) if $self->can('modify_context_args');
112 5 50       28 $self->handle_request($c, %$args) if $self->can('handle_request');
114 5         7 my $template;
115 5 50       8 if(exists($args->{template})) {
116 5         9 $template = delete ($args->{template});
117             } elsif(exists($args->{template_src})) {
118 0         0 $template = (delete $args->{template_src})->slurp;
119             }
121 5         10 my $directives = delete $args->{directives};
122 5         6 my $filters = delete $args->{filters};
123             my $pure_class = exists($args->{pure_class}) ?
124 5 100       9 delete($args->{pure_class}) :
125             'Template::Pure';
127 5         12 Catalyst::Utils::ensure_class_loaded($pure_class);
129             my $view = ref($self)->new(
130 5         16 %{$args},
131 5         18584 %{$c->stash},
  5         15  
132             ctx => $c,
133             );
135 5         1249 weaken(my $weak_view = $view);
136 5         22 my $pure = $pure_class->new(
137             template => $template,
138             directives => $directives,
139             filters => $filters,
140             components => $self->build_comp_hash($c, $view),
141             view => $weak_view,
142             %$args,
143             );
145 5         4729 $view->{pure} = $pure;
146 5         20 $view;
147             };
148 7         111 return $c->stash->{$stash_key};
149             }
151             sub build_comp_hash {
152 5     5 0 7 my ($self, $c, $view) = @_;
153 5 100       21 return $self->{__components} if $self->{__components};
154             my %components = (
155             map {
156 4         16 my $v = $_;
  8         342  
157 8         9 my $key = lc($v);
158 8         10 $key =~s/::/-/g;
159             $key => sub {
160 2     2   1852 my ($pure, %params) = @_;
161 2         11 my $data = Template::Pure::DataContext->new($view);
162 2 50       13 foreach $key (%{$params{node}->attr ||+{}}) {
  2         5  
163 4 100 33     83 next unless $key && $params{$key};
164 2 100       7 next unless my $proto = ($params{$key} =~m/^\$(.+)$/)[0];
165 1         5 my %spec = Template::Pure::ParseUtils::parse_data_spec($proto);
166 1         61 $params{$key} = $data->at(%spec)->value;
167             }
169 2         24 return $c->view($v, %params, clear_stash=>1);
170             }
171 8         44 } ($c->views),
172             );
173 4         8 $self->{__components} = \%components;
174 4         23 return \%components;
175             }
177             sub apply {
178 0     0 1 0 my $self = shift;
179             my @args = (@_,
180             template => $self->render,
181 0         0 %{$self->{ctx}->stash});
  0         0  
182 0         0 return $self->{ctx}->view(@args);
183             }
185             sub wrap {
186 0     0 1 0 my $self = shift;
187             my @args = (@_,
188             content => $self->render,
189 0         0 %{$self->{ctx}->stash});
  0         0  
190 0         0 return $self->{ctx}->view(@args);
191             }
193             sub response {
194 2     2 1 5 my ($self, $status, @proto) = @_;
195 2 50       7 die "You need a context to build a response" unless $self->{ctx};
197 2         18 my $res = $self->{ctx}->res;
198 2 50       54 $status = $res->status if $res->status != 200;
200 2 50       238 if(ref($proto[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
201 0         0 my @headers = @{shift @proto};
  0         0  
202 0         0 $res->headers->push_header(@headers);
203             }
205 2 50       9 $res->content_type('text/html') unless $res->content_type;
206 2         643 my $body = $res->body($self->render);
208 2         16 return $self;
209             }
211 0     0 0 0 sub detach { shift->{ctx}->detach }
213             sub render {
214 5     5 0 8 my ($self, $data) = @_;
215 5         104 $self->{ctx}->stats->profile(begin => "=> ".Catalyst::Utils::class2classsuffix($self->catalyst_component_name)."->Render");
217             # quite possible I should do something with $data...
218 5         427 my $string = $self->{pure}->render($self);
219 5         14668 $self->{ctx}->stats->profile(end => "=> ".Catalyst::Utils::class2classsuffix($self->catalyst_component_name)."->Render");
220 5         427 return $string;
221             }
223             sub TO_HTML {
224 1     1 0 83 my ($self, $pure, $dom, $data) = @_;
225             return $self->{pure}->encoded_string(
226 1         6 $self->render($self));
227             }
229             sub Views {
230 1     1 0 179 my $self = shift;
231             my %views = (
232             map {
233 2         55 my $v = $_;
234             $v => sub {
235 1     1   348 my ($pure, $dom, $data) = @_;
236             # TODO $data can be an object....
237 1         5 $self->{ctx}->view($v, %$data);
238             }
239 2         10 } ($self->{ctx}->views)
240 1         5 );
241 1         4 return \%views;
242             }
244             # Proxy these here for now. I assume eventually will nee
245             # a subclass just for components
246             #sub prepare_render_callback { shift->{pure}->prepare_render_callback }
248             sub prepare_render_callback {
249 2     2 0 178 my $self = shift;
250             return sub {
251 2     2   2109 my ($t, $dom, $data) = @_;
252 2         7 $self->{pure}->process_root($dom->root, $data);
253 2         1504 $t->encoded_string($self->render($data));
254 2         9 };
255             }
257 0     0 0   sub style_fragment { shift->{pure}->style_fragment }
258 0     0 0   sub script_fragment { shift->{pure}->script_fragment }
259 0     0 1   sub ctx { return shift->{ctx} }
261             sub process {
262 0     0 1   my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;
263 0           $self->response(200, @args);
264             }
266       0 0   sub headers {
267             # TODO let you add headders
268             }
269             1;
271             =head1 NAME
273             Catalyst::View::Template::Pure - Catalyst view adaptor for Template::Pure
275             =head1 SYNOPSIS
277             package MyApp::View::Story;
279             use Moose;
280             use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
282             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
284             has [qw/title body timestamp/] => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
286             sub current { scalar localtime }
288             __PACKAGE__->config(
289             timestamp => scalar(localtime),
290             returns_status => [HTTP_OK],
291             template => q[
292             <!doctype html>
293             <html lang="en">
294             <head>
295             <title>Title Goes Here</title>
296             </head>
297             <body>
298             <div id="main">Content goes here!</div>
299             <div id="current">Current Localtime: </div>
300             <div id="timestamp">Server Started on: </div>
301             </body>
302             </html>
303             ],
304             directives => [
305             'title' => 'title',
306             '#main' => 'body',
307             '#current+' => 'current',
308             '#timestamp+' => 'timestamp',
309             ],
310             );
312             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable
314             Create a controller that uses this view:
316             package MyApp::Controller::Story;
318             use Moose;
319             use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
321             extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
323             sub display_story :Local Args(0) {
324             my ($self, $c) = @_;
325             $c->view('Story',
326             title => 'A Dark and Stormy Night...',
327             body => 'It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly...',
328             )->http_ok;
329             }
331             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable
333             When hitting a page that activates the 'display_story' action, returns:
335             <!doctype html>
336             <html lang="en">
337             <head>
338             <title>A Dark and Stormy Night...</title>
339             </head>
340             <body>
341             <div id="main">It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly...</div>
342             <div id="current">Current Localtime: July 29, 2016 11:30:34</div>
343             <div id="timestamp">Server Started on: July 29, 2016 11:30:00</div>
344             </body>
345             </html>
347             (Obviously the 'localtime' information will vary ;)
349             =head1 DESCRIPTION
351             L<Catalyst::View::Template::Pure> is an adaptor for L<Template::Pure> for the L<Catalyst>
352             web development framework. L<Template::Pure> is an HTML templating system that fully
353             separates concerns between markup (the HTML), transformations on that markup (called
354             'directives') and data that the directives use on the template to return a document.
356             I highly recommend you review the documentation for L<Template::Pure> if you wish to gain a
357             deeper understanding of how this all works. The following information is specific to how
358             we adapt L<Template::Pure> to run under L<Catalyst>; as a result it will assume you already
359             know the basics of creating templates and directives using L<Template::Pure>
361             B<NOTE>: Like L<Template::Pure> I consider this work to be early access and reserve the
362             right to make changes needed to achieve stability and production quality. In general I feel
363             pretty good about the interface but there's likely to be changes around speed optimization,
364             error reporting and in particular web components are not fully baked. I recommend if you
365             are using this to avoid deeply hooking into internals since that stuff is most likely to
366             change. If you are using this for your work please let me know how its going. Don't find bugs
367             surprising, but please report them!
369             =head1 CREATING AND USING VIEWS
371             In many template adaptors for L<Catalyst> you create a single 'View' which is a sort of
372             factory that processes a whole bunch of templates (typically files in a directory under
373             $APPHOME/root). Variables are passed to the view view the Catalyst stash. Choosing the
374             template to process is typically via some convention based on the action path and/or via
375             a special stash key.
377             This system works fine to a point, but I've often found when a system gets complex (think
378             dozens of controllers and possible hundreds of templates) it gets messy. Because the
379             stash is not strongly typed you have no declared interface between the view and your
380             controller. This can be great for rapid development but a long term maintainance nightmare.
381             People often lose track of what is and isnt' in the stash for a given template (not to
382             mention the fact that a small typo will 'break' the interface between the stash and the
383             view template.
385             L<Catalyst::View::Template::Pure> is a bit different. Instead of a single template
386             factory view, you need to make a view subclass per resource (that is, for each HTML
387             webpage you want to display). Additionally you will make a view for any of the
388             reusable bits that often make up a complex website, such as includes and master page
389             layouts. That sounds like a lot of views, and will seem wierd to you at first if you
390             are used to the old style 'one view class to rule the all'. The requirement to make a
391             new View subclass for each page or part of a page does add a bit of overhead to the
392             development process. The upside is that you are creating strongly types views that
393             can contain their own logic, defaults and anything else that can go into a Perl class.
394             This way you can enforce an interface between your views and the controllers that use
395             them. Over time the extra, original overhead should pay you back in less maintainance
396             issues and in greater code clarity.
398             So here's the example! Lets create a simple view:
400             package MyApp::View::Hello;
402             use Moose;
403             use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
405             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
407             has [qw/title name/] => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
409             sub timestamp { scalar localtime }
411             __PACKAGE__->config(
412             template => q[
413             <html>
414             <head>
415             <title>Title Goes Here</title>
416             </head>
417             <body>
418             <p>Hello <span id='name'>NAME</span>!<p>
419             <p>This page was generated on: </p>
420             </body>
421             </html>
422             ],
423             directives => [
424             'title' => 'title',
425             '#name' => 'name',
426             '#timestamp+' => 'timestamp',
427             ],
428             returns_status => [HTTP_OK],
429             );
431             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
433             So this is a small view with just three bits of data that is used to create
434             an end result webpage. Two fields need to be passed to the view (title and name)
435             while the third one (timestamp) is generated locally by the view itself. The three
436             entries under the 'directives' key are instructions to L<Template::Pure> to run
437             an action at a particular CSS match in the templates HTML DOM (see documentation
438             for L<Template::Pure> for more details).
440             B<NOTE> In this and most following examples the template is a literal string inside
441             the view under the C<template> configuration key. This is handy for demo and for
442             small views (such as includes) but your template authors may prefer to use a more standard
443             text file, in which case you can specify a path to the template via configuration options
444             C<template_src> or C<auto_template_src>; see L</CONFIGURATION>
446             Lets use this in a controller:
448             package MyApp::Controller::Hello;
450             use Moose;
451             use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
453             extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
455             sub say_hello :Path('') Args(0) {
456             my ($self, $c) = @_;
457             $c->view('Hello',
458             title => 'Hello to You!',
459             name => 'John Napiorkowski',
460             )->http_ok;
461             }
463             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
465             Again, if you are following a classic pattern in L<Catalyst> you might be using the
466             L<Catalyst::Action::RenderView> on a global 'end' action (typically in your
467             Root controller) to do the job of forwarding the request to a view. Then, the view
468             would decide on a template based on a few factors, such as the calling action's
469             private name. With L<Catalyst::View::Template::Pure> instead we are calling the view directly,
470             as well as directly sending the view's arguments call to the view, instead of via the
471             stash (although as we will see later, you can still use the stash and even the
472             L<Catalyst::Action::RenderView> approach if that is really the best setup for
473             your application).
475             B<NOTE> An important distinction here to remember is that when you pass arguments to
476             the view, those arguments are not passed directly as data to the underlying
477             L<Template::Pure> object. Rather these arguments are combined with any local or global
478             configuration and used as arguments when calling ->new on the actual view component.
479             So arguments passed, even via the stash, as not directly exposed to the template, but
480             rather mediated via the actual view object. Only attributes and methods on the view
481             object are exposed to the template.
483             In calling the view this way you setup a stronger association between your controller
484             and the view. This can add a lot of clarity to your code when you have very large
485             and complex websites. In addition the view returned is scoped 'Per Request', instead
486             of 'Per Application' like most common Catalyst views in use. 'Per Request' in this
487             case means that the first time you call for the view in a given request, we create
488             a new instance of that view from the arguments passed. Subsequent calls to the same
489             view will return the same instance created earlier. This can be very useful if you
490             have complex chained actions and wish to add information to a view over the course
491             of a number of actions in the chain. However when the response is finalized and
492             returned to the client, the current request goes out of scope which triggers DESTROY
493             on the view.
495             Another useful thing about the fact that the view is scoped 'Per Request' is that
496             it contains a reference to the context. So in your custom view methods you can call
497             $self->ctx and get the context to do stuff like build links or even access models.
498             Just keep in mind you need to think carefully about what logic is proper to the
499             view and which is proper to the controller. In general if there is logic that
500             would be the same if the resource generated by the view was a different type (say
501             JSON or XML) then its likely that logic belongs in the controller. However I
502             encourage you to choose the approach that leads to clean and reusable code.
504             Lastly, L<Catalyst::View::Template::Pure> allows you to specify the type of response
505             status code can be associated with this view. This can be useful when you want
506             to make it clear that a given view is an error response or for created resources.
507             To enable this feature you simple set the 'returns_status' configuration key to
508             an arrayref of the HTTP status codes allowed. This is simple a number (201 for
509             created, for example) but for clarity in the given example I've used L<HTTP::Status>
510             to give the allowed codes a friendly name. You can choose to follow this example
511             or not! As a futher timesaver, when you set allowed statuses, we will inject into
512             your view some helper methods to set the desired status. As in the given example:
514             $c->view('Hello',
515             title => 'Hello to You!',
516             name => 'John Napiorkowski',
517             )->http_ok;
519             We are setting $c->res->status(200). For people that prefer the actual code numbers
520             there is also ->http_200 injected if you are better with the number codes instead of
521             the friendly names but I recommend you choose one or the other approach for your project!
523             Please keep in mind that calling ->http_ok (or any of the helper methods) does not
524             immediately finalize your response. If you want to immediately finalize the
525             response (say for example you are returning an error and want to stop processing the
526             remaining actions) you will need to $c->detach like normal. To make this a little
527             easier you can chain off the response helper like so:
529             $c->view('NotFound')
530             ->http_404
531             ->detach;
533             Sending a request that hits the 'say_hello' action would result in:
535             <html>
536             <head>
537             <title>Hello to You!</title>
538             </head>
539             <body>
540             <p>Hello <span id='name'>John Napiorkowski</span>!<p>
541             <p>This page was generated on: Tue Aug 2 09:17:48 2016</p>
542             </body>
543             </html>
545             (Of course the timestamp will vary based on when you run the code, this
546             was the result I got only at the time of writing this document).
548             =head1 USING THE STASH
550             If you are used to using the L<Catalyst> stash to pass information to your view
551             or you have complex chaining and like to build up data over many actions into the
552             stash, you may continue to do that. For example:
554             sub say_hello :Path('') Args(0) {
555             my ($self, $c) = @_;
556             $c->stash(
557             title => 'Hello to You!',
558             name => 'John Napiorkowski',
559             );
560             $c->view('Hello')->http_ok;
561             }
563             Would be the functional equal to the earlier example. However as noted those
564             arguments are not passed directly to the template as data, but rather passed as
565             initialization arguments to the ->new method when calling the view the first time
566             in a request. So you may still use the stash, but because the view is mediating
567             the stash data I believe we mitigate some of the stash's downsides (such as a lack
568             of strong typing, missing defined interface and issues with typos, for example).
572             There are several ways to decompose your repeated or options template transforms
573             into reusable chunks, at the View level. Please see L<Template::Pure> for more
574             abour includes, wrappers and overlays. However there are often cases when the
575             decision to use or apply changes to your template best occur at the controller
576             level. For example you may wish to add some messaging to your template if a form
577             has incorrect data. In those cases you may apply additional Views. Applied views
578             will use as its starting template the results of the previous view. For example:
580             sub process_form :POST Path('') Args(0) {
581             my ($self, $c) = @_;
582             my $v = $c->view('Login');
584             if($c->model('Form')->is_valid) {
585             $v->http_ok;
586             } else {
587             $v->apply('IncorrectLogin')
588             ->http_bad_request
589             ->detach;
590             }
591             }
593             You may chain as many applied views as you like, even using this technique to build up
594             an entire page of results. Chaining transformations this way can help you to avoid some
595             of the messy, complex logic that often creeps into our templates.
599             Generally you send arguments to the View via the stash or via arguments on the view
600             call itself. This might sometimes lead to highly verbose calls:
602             sub user :Path Args(1) {
603             my ($self, $c, $id) = @_:
604             my $user = $c->model('Schema::User')->find($id) ||
605             $c->view('NoUser')->http_bad_request->detach;
607             $c->view('UserProfile',
608             name => $user->name,
609             age => $user->age,
610             location => $user->location,
611             ...,
612             );
613             }
615             Listing each argument has the advantage of clarity but the verbosity can be distracting
616             and waste programmer time. So, in the case where a source object provides an interface
617             which is identical to the interface required by the view, you may just pass the object
618             and we will map required attributes for the view from method named on the object. For
619             example:
621             sub user :Path Args(1) {
622             my ($self, $c, $id) = @_:
623             my $user = $c->model('Schema::User')->find($id) ||
624             $c->view('NoUser')->http_bad_request
625             ->detach;
627             $c->view(UserProfile => $user)
628             ->http_ok;
629             }
631             It is up to you to decide if this is creating too much structual binding between your
632             view and its model. You may or may not find it a useful convention.
634             =head1 COMMON VIEW TASKS
636             The following are suggestions regarding some of the more common tasks we need to
637             use a view for. Most of this is covered in L<Template::Pure> in greater detail,
638             but I wanted to show the minor 'twists' the Catalyst adaptor presents. Please
639             keep in mind the following are not the only ways to solve this problems, but just
640             what I think of as very straightfoward ways that are a good starting point for you
641             as you climb the learning curve with L<Template::Pure>
643             =head2 Includes, Wrappers and Master Pages
645             Generally when building a website you will break up common elements of the user
646             interface into re-usable chunks. For example its common to have some standard
647             elements for headers and footers, or to have a master page template that provides
648             a common page structure. L<Template::Pure> supports these via processing
649             instructions which appear inside the actual template or via the including of
650             actual template objects as values for you directive actions on in your data.
652             The documentation for L<Template::Pure> covers these concepts and approaches in
653             general. However L<Catalyst::View::Template::Pure> provides a bit of assistance
654             with helper methods that are unique to this module and require explanation. Here's
655             an example of an include which creates a time stamp element in your page:
657             package MyApp::View::Include;
659             use Moose;
661             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
663             sub now { scalar localtime }
665             __PACKAGE__->config(
666             template => q{
667             <div class="timestamp">The Time is now: </div>
668             },
669             directives => [
670             '.timestamp' => 'now'
671             ],
672             );
674             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
676             Since this include is not intended to be used 'stand alone' we didn't bother to
677             set a 'returns_status' configuration.
679             So there's a few ways to use this in a template.
681             package MyApp::View::Hello;
683             use Moose;
684             use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
686             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
688             has 'name' => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
690             __PACKAGE__->config(
691             returns_status => [HTTP_OK],
692             template => q{
693             <html>
694             <head>
695             <title>Hello</title>
696             </head>
697             <body>
698             <p id='hello'>Hello There </p>
699             <?pure-include src='Views.Include'?>
700             </body>
701             </html>
702             },
703             directives => [
704             '#hello' => 'name',
705             ],
706             );
708             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
710             In this example we set the C<src> attribute for the include processing
711             instruction to a path off 'Views' which is a special method on the view that
712             returns access to all the other views that are loaded. So essentially any
713             view could serve as a source.
715             The same approach would be used to set overlays and wrappers via processing
716             instructions.
718             If using the C<Views> helper seems too flimsy an interface, you may instead
719             specify a view via an accessor, just like any other data.
721             package MyApp::View::Hello;
723             use Moose;
724             use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
726             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
728             has 'name' => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
730             sub include {
731             my $self = shift;
732             $self->ctx->view('Include');
733             }
735             __PACKAGE__->config(
736             returns_status => [HTTP_OK],
737             template => q{
738             <html>
739             <head>
740             <title>Hello</title>
741             </head>
742             <body>
743             <p id='hello'>Hello There </p>
744             <?pure-include src='include' ?>
745             </body>
746             </html>
747             },
748             directives => [
749             '#hello' => 'name',
750             ],
751             );
753             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
755             Just remember if your include expects arguments (and most will) you should pass
756             them in the view call.
758             In fact you could allow one to pass the view C<src> include (or wrapper, or overlay)
759             from the controller, if you need more dynamic control:
761             package MyApp::View::Hello;
763             use Moose;
764             use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
766             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
768             has 'name' => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
769             has 'include' => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
771             __PACKAGE__->config(
772             returns_status => [HTTP_OK],
773             template => q{
774             <html>
775             <head>
776             <title>Hello</title>
777             </head>
778             <body>
779             <p id='hello'>Hello There </p>
780             <?pure-include src='include' ?>
781             </body>
782             </html>
783             },
784             directives => [
785             '#hello' => 'name',
786             ],
787             );
789             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
791             package MyApp::Controller::Hello;
793             use Moose;
794             use MooseX::Attributes;
796             extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
798             sub hello :Path('') {
799             my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
800             $ctx->view('Hello',
801             name => 'John',
802             include => $ctx->view('Include'));
803             }
805             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
807             Even more fancy approaches could include setting up the required bits via
808             dependency injection (approaches for this in Catalyst are still somewhat
809             experimental, see L<Catalyst::Plugin::MapComponentDependencies>
811             =head1 METHODS
813             This class defines the following methods. Please note that response helpers
814             will be generated as well (http_ok, http_200, etc.) based on the contents of
815             your L<\returns_status> configuration settings.
817             =head2 apply
819             Takes a view name and optionally arguments that are passed to ->new. Used to
820             apply a view over the results of a previous one, allowing for chained views.
821             For example:
823             $c->view('Base', %args)
824             ->apply('Sidebar', items => \@menu_items)
825             ->apply('Footer', copyright => 2016)
826             ->http_ok;
828             When a view is used via 'apply', the result of the previous template becomes
829             the 'template' argument, even if that view defined its own template via
830             configuration. This is so that you can use the same view as standalone or as
831             part of a chain of transformations.
833             Useful when you are building up a view over a number of actions in a chain or
834             when you need to programmatically control how a view is created from the
835             controller. You may also consider the use of includes and overlays inside your
836             view, or custom directive actions for more complex view building.
838             =head2 wrap
840             Used to pass the response on a template to another template, via a 'content'
841             argument. Similar to the 'wrapper' processing instruction. Example:
843             package MyApp::View::Users;
845             use Moose;
847             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
849             has [qw/name age location/] => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
851             __PACKAGE__->config(
852             returns_status => [200],
853             template => q[
854             <dl>
855             <dt>Name</dt>
856             <dd id='name'></dd>
857             <dt>Age</dt>
858             <dd id='age'></dd>
859             <dt>Location</dt>
860             <dd id='location'></dd>
861             </dl>
862             ],
863             directives => [
864             '#name' => 'name',
865             '#age' => 'age',
866             '#location' => 'location',
867             ]
868             );
870             package MyApp::View::HeaderFooter;
872             use Moose;
874             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
876             has 'title' => (is=>'ro', isa=>'String');
877             has 'content' => (is=>'ro');
879             __PACKAGE__->config(
880             returns_status => [200],
881             template => q[
882             <html>
883             <head>
884             <title>TITLE GOES HERE</title>
885             </head>
886             <body>
887             CONTENT GOES HERE
888             </body>
889             </html>
890             ],
891             directives => [
892             title => 'title',
893             body => 'content',
894             ]
895             );
897             package MyApp::Controller::UserProfile;
899             use Moose;
900             use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
902             extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
904             sub show_profile :Path('profile') Args(0) {
905             my ($self, $c) = @_;
906             $c->view('UserProfile', $user)
907             ->wrap('HeaderFooter', title=>'User Profile')
908             ->http_ok;
909             }
911             Generates a response like (assuming C<$user> is an object that provides
912             C<name>, C<age> and C<location> with the sample values):
914             <html>
915             <head>
916             <title>User Profile</title>
917             </head>
918             <body>
919             <dl>
920             <dt>Name</dt>
921             <dd id='name'>Mike Smith</dd>
922             <dt>Age</dt>
923             <dd id='age'>42</dd>
924             <dt>Location</dt>
925             <dd id='location'>UK</dd>
926             </dl>
927             </body>
928             </html>
930             =head2 response
932             Used to run the directives and actions on the template, setting information
933             into the L<Catalyst::Response> object such as body, status, headers, etc.
934             Example
936             $c->view('Hello',
937             title => 'Hello There',
938             list => \@users )
939             ->response(200, %headers);
941             This will populate the L<Catalyst::Response> status and headers, and render the
942             template into body. It will not finalized and send the response to the client.
943             If you need to stop processing immediately (for example you are creating some
944             sort of error response in a middle action in a chain) you need to $c->detach
945             or use the detach convenience method:
947             $c->view('BadRequest',
948             title => 'Hello There',
949             list => \@users )
950             ->response(400, %headers)
951             ->detach;
953             Often you will instead set the L</returns_status> configuration setting and
954             use a response helper instead of using it directly.
956             $c->view('BadRequest',
957             title => 'Hello There',
958             list => \@users )
959             ->http_bad_request
960             ->detach;
962             =head2 $response helpers
964             In order to better purpose your views and to add some ease of use for your
965             programmers, you may specify what HTTP status codes a view is allowed to
966             return via the L</returns_status> configuration option. When you do this
967             we automatically generate response helper methods. For example if you set
968             C<returns_status> to [200,400] we will create methods C<http_ok>, C<http_200>,
969             C<http_bad_request> and C<http_400> into your view. This method will finalize
970             your response as well as return an object that you can call C<detach> upon
971             should you wish to short circuit any remaining actions.
973             Lastly you may pass as arguments an array of HTTP headers:
975             $c->view("NewUser")
976             ->http_created(location=>$url)
977             ->detach;
979             =head2 ctx
981             Lets your view access the current context object. Useful in a custom view method
982             when you need to access other models or context information. You should however
983             take care to consider if you might not be better off accessing this via the controller
984             and passing the information into the view.
986             sub include {
987             my $self = shift;
988             $self->ctx->view('Include');
989             }
991             =head1 COMPONENTS
993             B<WARNING> Components are the most experimental aspect of L<Template::Pure>!
995             Example Component View Class:
997             package MyApp::View::Timestamp;
999             use Moose;
1000             use DateTime;
1002             extends 'Catalyst::View::Template::Pure';
1004             has 'tz' => (is=>'ro', predicate=>'has_tz');
1006             sub time {
1007             my ($self) = @_;
1008             my $now = DateTime->now();
1009             $now->set_time_zone($self->tz)
1010             if $self->has_tz;
1011             return $now;
1012             }
1014             __PACKAGE__->config(
1015             pure_class => 'Template::Pure::Component',
1016             auto_template_src => 1,
1017             directives => [
1018             '.timestamp' => 'time',
1019             ],
1020             );
1021             __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
1023             And the associated template:
1025             <pure-component>
1026             <style>
1027             .timestamp {
1028             background:blue;
1029             }
1030             </style>
1031             <script>
1032             function alertit() {
1033             alert(1);
1034             }
1035             </script>
1036             <span class='timestamp' onclick='alertit()'>time</span>
1037             </pure-component>
1039             Usage in a view:
1041             <html lang="en">
1042             <head>
1043             <title>Title Goes Here</title>
1044             </head>
1045             <body>
1046             <div id="main">Content goes here!</div>
1047             <pure-timestamp tz='America/Chicago' />
1048             </body>
1049             </html>
1051             A component is very similar to an include or even a wrapper that you might
1052             insert with a processing instruction or via one of the other standard methods
1053             as decribed in L<Template::Pure>. The main difference is that components can
1054             bundle a style and scripting component, and components are aware of themselves
1055             in a hierarchy (for example if a component wraps other components, those inner
1056             components have the outer one as a 'parent'.
1058             Given the experimental nature of this feature, I'm going to leave it underdocumented
1059             and let you look at the source and tests for now. I'll add more when the shape of
1060             this feature is more apparent after usage.
1062             =head1 RUNTIME HOOKS
1064             This class defines the following method hooks you may optionally defined in your
1065             view subclass in order to control or otherwise influence how the view works.
1067             =head2 $class->modify_init_args($app, $args)
1069             Runs when C<COMPONENT> is called during C<setup_components>. This gets a reference
1070             to the merged arguments from all configuration. You should return this reference
1071             after modification.
1073             =head2 $self->modify_context_args($ctx, $args)
1075             Runs at C<ACCEPT_CONTEXT> and can be used to modify the arguments (including those passed to the view) before they are used to create a response. Should return C<$args>.
1077             =head1 CONFIGURATION
1079             This Catalyst Component supports the following configuation
1081             =head2 template
1083             This is a string which is an HTML Template.
1085             =head2 template_src
1087             Filesystem path where a template can be found
1089             =head2 auto_template_src
1091             Loads the template from a filesystem path based on the View name. For example if
1092             your view is "MyApp::View::Story", under $home/MyApp/View/ then you'd
1093             expect a template at $home/MyApp/View/story.html
1095             This feature is evolving and may change as the software stablizes and we get feedback
1096             from users (I know the current default location here is differnt from the way a lot
1097             of common Catalyst Views work...)
1099             =head2 returns_status
1101             An ArrayRef of HTTP status codes used to provide response helpers.
1103             =head2 directives
1105             An ArrayRef of match => actions that is used by L<Template::Pure> to apply tranformations
1106             onto a template from a given data reference.
1108             =head2 filters
1110             filters => {
1111             custom_filter => sub {
1112             my ($template, $data, @args) = @_;
1113             # Do something with the $data, possible using @args
1114             # to control what that does
1115             return $data;
1116             },
1117             },
1119             A hashref of information that is passed directly to L<Template::Pure> to be used as data
1120             filters. See L<Template::Pure/Filters>.
1122             =head2 pure_class
1124             The class used to create an instance of L<Template::Pure>. Defaults to 'Template::Pure'.
1125             You can change this if you create a custom subclass of L<Template::Pure> to use as your
1126             default template.
1128             =head1 ALSO SEE
1130             L<Catalyst>, L<Template::Pure>.
1132             L<Template::Pure> is based on a client side Javascript templating system, 'pure.js'. See
1133             L<> for more information.
1135             =head1 AUTHORS & COPYRIGHT
1137             John Napiorkowski L<>
1139             =head1 LICENSE
1141             Copyright 2016, John Napiorkowski L<>
1143             This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1144             it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1146             =cut